Heat and Temperature 2 heat and temperature continued 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? PhysicsEnergyIGCSEEdexcel Created by: Rianne BCreated on: 01-05-13 20:18 Heat is a form of ..................... energy 1 of 20 Heat is measured in ..................... joules 2 of 20 In the Marble experiment is Iron a good or bad conductor? bad 3 of 20 In the marble experiment which 4 metal rods are used? list in order copper, aluminium, brass, iron 4 of 20 In the marble experiment the ............. is the best conductor. copper 5 of 20 Temperature is how ....... or ........ a body is. hot, cold 6 of 20 Temperature is measured in ................. degrees celcius 7 of 20 The amount of heat ......... in an object depends on ... things. energy, 3 8 of 20 Its ........., its ...., and the ...... it is made from termperature, mass, material 9 of 20 A tank full of hot water at 60C contains ....... heat energy than a cup of water at 60C more 10 of 20 This is because there is ..... water in it. more 11 of 20 A cup of water at 50C contains .... heat energy than water at 100C less 12 of 20 This is because the water is at a ...... temperature. lower 13 of 20 In the plates experiment, what are the materials of the plates? insulator, conductor 14 of 20 2 ice cubes on each plate. The cube on the conductor ..... quickly melted 15 of 20 The cube on the insulator has ..................... hardly melted 16 of 20 How does the cube melt quicker on the conductor plate? it gains heat from the plate 17 of 20 In the liquid conduction experiment, there is a ..., a ... with ..., at the bottome and ... at the top. bunsen burner, tube, ice, water 18 of 20 How long does it take for the ice to melt? a few minutes 19 of 20 What does this prove? liquids are not good conductors 20 of 20
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