Healthy Living - German 0.0 / 5 ? GermanGrammar and vocabularyGCSENone Created by: fierynoodles123Created on: 09-01-19 19:49 what is the german word for head? Kopf 1 of 24 what is the german word for ear? Ohr 2 of 24 What is the german word for throat? Hals 3 of 24 What is the german word for shoulder? Schulter 4 of 24 What is the German word for back? Rucken 5 of 24 Whatr is the German word for arm? Arm 6 of 24 What is the German word for foot? Fuss 7 of 24 What is the German word for eye? Auge 8 of 24 What is the German word for nose? Nase 9 of 24 What is the German word for mouth? Mund 10 of 24 What is the German word for Stomach Bauch 11 of 24 What does Fieber mean? Fever 12 of 24 What does Heuschnupfen mean? Hayfever 13 of 24 What does Husten mean? Cough 14 of 24 What is eine Grippe? The flu 15 of 24 What is eine Erkaltung? a cold 16 of 24 What does schnupfen mean? Cold 17 of 24 What is Durchfall? Diarrhoea 18 of 24 What is verstopfung? Constipation 19 of 24 What does krank mean? Ill 20 of 24 What is verletzt? Injured 21 of 24 What is schlecht? Poorly 22 of 24 What is Ubel? Sick 23 of 24 What does scwinderlig mean? Dizzy 24 of 24
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