AQA GCSE French health vocab 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? FrenchGCSEAQA Created by: EllenCreated on: 28-03-13 22:31 addict accro 1 of 73 physical activity activité physique 2 of 73 lamb agneau 3 of 73 garlic ail 4 of 73 alcoholic alcoolique 5 of 73 alcoholic alcoolisé 6 of 73 alcoholism alcoolisme 7 of 73 diet ailmentation saine 8 of 73 bitter amer 9 of 73 pineapple ananas 10 of 73 appetiser apéritif 11 of 73 warn avertie 12 of 73 well done bien cuit 13 of 73 duck canard 14 of 73 jug carafe 15 of 73 snack casse-croûte 16 of 73 pan casserole 17 of 73 cucumber concombre 18 of 73 chop (lamb etc) côtelette 19 of 73 shrimp crevette 20 of 73 heart attack crise cardiaque 21 of 73 raw cru 22 of 73 crudités crudités 23 of 73 disgusting dégoûtant 24 of 73 tasting dégustation 25 of 73 detoxify désintoxiquer 26 of 73 relax détendre 27 of 73 pain douleur 28 of 73 cause entraîner 29 of 73 thick épais 30 of 73 spice épicé 31 of 73 exhausting épuiser 32 of 73 snail escargot 33 of 73 sleep in faire la grasse matinée 34 of 73 flour farine 35 of 73 liver foie 36 of 73 spoil gâcher 37 of 73 lamb gigot d'agneau 38 of 73 gratin gratin dauphinois 39 of 73 out of breath hors d'haleine 40 of 73 oyster huître 41 of 73 drunk ivre 42 of 73 lettuce laitue 43 of 73 fat matières grasses 44 of 73 lead mener 45 of 73 nuts noix 46 of 73 onion oignon 47 of 73 can opener ouvre-boîte 48 of 73 grapefruit pamplemousse 49 of 73 pass passer 50 of 73 spicy piquant 51 of 73 sting piqûre 52 of 73 lung poumon 53 of 73 plum prune 54 of 73 renounce renouncer 55 of 73 regain consciousness reprendre connaissance 56 of 73 breathe respirer 57 of 73 dealer revendeur 58 of 73 bleeding saignant 59 of 73 dirty salé 60 of 73 salmon saumon 61 of 73 save sauvegarder 62 of 73 tasty savoureux 63 of 73 sleep sommeil 64 of 73 smoking tabagisme 65 of 73 cork-screw tire-bouchon 66 of 73 addict toxicomane 67 of 73 trout truite 68 of 73 kill tuer 69 of 73 calf veau 70 of 73 vein veine 71 of 73 vinegar vinaigre 72 of 73 steal voler 73 of 73
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