Health Related fitness

  • Created by: Jonathan
  • Created on: 23-09-12 06:39
Name the 5 components of health related fitness
Cardiovascular fitness StrengthFlexibility Muscular endurance Body composition
1 of 5
Define strength
The ability of a muscle to exert a force to overcome a resistance
2 of 5
'The ability of a muscle to make repeated contractions over a period of time' is the definition of which skill?
Muscular endurance
3 of 5
Define cardiovascular fitness
The ability of your body to continuously provide enough energy to sustain submaximal levels of exercise
4 of 5
What is the healthy amount of body fat for a man and for a woman?
Men = 15-18% Women = 20-25%
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define strength


The ability of a muscle to exert a force to overcome a resistance

Card 3


'The ability of a muscle to make repeated contractions over a period of time' is the definition of which skill?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Define cardiovascular fitness


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the healthy amount of body fat for a man and for a woman?


Preview of the front of card 5


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