Health and the people 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryHealth and the peopleGCSEAQA Created by: f3mCreated on: 15-05-22 10:57 created the theory of opposites Galen 1 of 20 created the four humours Hippocrates 2 of 20 in medieval times what % of hospitals actually treated the sick ten percent 3 of 20 What were the names of the 2 types of the Black Plague? bubonic, pneumonic 4 of 20 In what year was the first outbreak of the Black Death? 1348 5 of 20 William Harvey proved that the ----- acted as a pump heart 6 of 20 where did inoculation come from China 7 of 20 Who was the first person to use inoculation in Britain? Lady Mary Montague 8 of 20 In which century was smallpox the most horrible and deadly disease? 18th 9 of 20 who invented vaccinations Edward Jenner 10 of 20 what was the first vaccination used for smallpox 11 of 20 Who gave Jenner the idea to use cowpox to prevent smallpox? milkmaids 12 of 20 when was the first public health act passed 1848 13 of 20 when was the second public health act passed 1875 14 of 20 what year was the great stink 1858 15 of 20 Who had been working on plans for an ambitious new sanitation system? joseph bazalgette 16 of 20 what was listers first name joseph 17 of 20 What was the technical term for 'bad air'? miasma 18 of 20 when was the NHS created 1948 19 of 20 who founded the NHS Aneurin Bevan 20 of 20
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