Health and Social Care Unit 4 - Musculoskeletal System 0.0 / 5 ? Health & Social CareMusculoskeletal SystemBTEC NationalOCR Created by: Lauren IvankoCreated on: 12-06-20 11:30 Thin irregular sheets Trabeculae 1 of 10 Produces red and white blood cells Bone marrow 2 of 10 Gives our bones elasticity Collagen and Chondrin 3 of 10 Responsible for bone growth and height Growth plates 4 of 10 The ends of the bones articulate with other bones are covered by this protective layer Cartilage 5 of 10 Cells that invade the bone and deposit minerals, salts and calcium Osteoblasts 6 of 10 Once they have deposited the minerals, these help the bone when growing Osteocytes 7 of 10 These are cells that remove bone by using enzymes to dissolve bone salts Osteoclasts 8 of 10 Type of tissue that attaches muscle to bone Tendon 9 of 10 Tough membrane that is held in place by ligaments Synovial Capsule 10 of 10
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