Plumbing - Health and Safety
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- Created by: KarenEnglish72
- Created on: 14-10-20 16:28
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 requires an employer to prepare a written safety policy where there are
5 or more employees
1 of 101
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974...
Requires employers to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work for all employees
2 of 101
The safest method of providing temporary lighting for work locations in an area of a building under construction. is by a
110 V temporary electrical supply
3 of 101
A ladder set against a wall reaches to a vertical height of 4m above ground level. To comply with safety requirements, the horizontal distance from the wall to the ladder at its based should be
1000 mm
4 of 101
Safety Regulations identify that before using an electric drill it must be
visually inspected for signs of damage
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A residual current circuit breaker is
intended to "trip out" if there is any current leakage
6 of 101
A hazardous substance which causes inflammation through prolonged contact with the skin is categorized as
7 of 101
When blue asbestos is discovered in a work situation it
should only be removed by a licensed contractor
8 of 101
When carrying out work in excavations
the sides of deep excavations must be supported against collapse
9 of 101
A circular safety sign with a red band enclosing a crossed out symbol, with a white background is a
prohibition sign
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Waterproof industrial gloves should be used when
working on connections to existing below ground drainage systems
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Before working on an electrical system it must be
safely isolated
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With reference to LPG heating gases
Propane is heavier than air and any leaking gas will accumulate at ground level
13 of 101
A minor accident on site should be
reported in the accident book
14 of 101
A small company carrying out maintenance work in private properties should ensure that a first aid kit is available for its plumbers by
providing a basic first aid kit on all company vehicles
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The correct colour panel for a fire extinguisher containing water is
16 of 101
The first action to be taken when lifting a heavy load is to
plan the lift
17 of 101
Large butane gas heating cylinders on a construction site should be stored in
a locked open air storage compound
18 of 101
The first action to be taken after receiving a minor burn is to
cool the area of the burn with clean cold water
19 of 101
An individual appear to have suffered an electric shock and may still be in contact with the electric supply. The correct course of action is to
try to remove the casualty from the electrical supply by pulling him/her away using a piece of non-conductive material such as wood
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The purpose of a risk assessment is to assess the
levels of risk to the safety of operatives that may be present in work operations
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Regular safety inspections should be recorded for
access equipment (ladders and scaffolds)
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In order to use cartridge operated fixing devices on construction sites
users must be in possession of a HSE cartridge device fixing certificate
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It is necessary to limit the rate of draw-off of gas from an LPG cylinder because too
high a rate of draw off can cause control values to become frozen
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Under the regulations of Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
persons using materials hazardous to health must be provided with proper information, instruction and training
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It may be necessary to take air samples when working
in a public sewer
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If a fire breaks out in a site store where LPG cylinders are stored, the first action to take is
set off an alarm or otherwise warn others to evacuate the building
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When a call is made to the emergency services, in addition to providing details of the location of the emergency and type of incident and site telephone number, they must also be advised of
any hazards e.g. stored gas cylinders
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A fire whose source is solid fuel is classed as
Class A
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If a fire starts in a small pile of shavings on a concrete floor of a house, the correct action to take is
use a portable fire extinguisher to put the fire out, move any smouldering debris outside and spray with water
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Upon hearing a fire alarm in a building, the immediate action to be taken by an individual is to
leave the building as quickly possibly closing any doors that you pass through on the way out
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The HSE legislation that covers the general health and safety responsibilities of the employer and employee is the
Health and Safety at Work Act
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When working on a site, the plumber's Personal Protective Equipment is provided by the
Plumbing employer
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The letters HSE stand for
Health and Safety Executive
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The safety requirements for the use of access equipment on building sites is covered by the
Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations
35 of 101
When a ladder is used to access a roof or a working platform, it must extend above the access point by at least
4 rungs or 1m
36 of 101
The correct ratio to determine the angle of a ladder from the floor to the building is
4 up to 1 out
37 of 101
The legislation covering the requirements for using hand tools can be found in the
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
38 of 101
The main purpose of a Residual Current Device is to
isolate the supply in the event of any current leakage
39 of 101
The COSHH Regulations cover
Control of substances hazardous to health
40 of 101
In accordance with the Asbestos at Work Regulations, working with asbestos on site should normally carried out by
a licensed asbestos contractor
41 of 101
Excavations in loose ground should
have their sides supported
42 of 101
When 'rodding' below ground drainage pipework, the employer should provide
industrial rubber gloves
43 of 101
The type of sign represented by a symbol within a yellow triangle with a black border is a
warning sign
44 of 101
An example of a mandatory sign is
wear head protection
45 of 101
Vehicle stop blocks should be provided when working
in excavations
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Plumbers should always wear clear goggles when
welding sheet lead weathings
47 of 101
Large LPG gas heating cylinders on a construction site, should be stored
upright in an open air compound
48 of 101
The LPG gases propane and butane are both
heavier than air and will accumulate at ground level
49 of 101
Why is it that young workers may be more at risk on a site?
They are inexperienced and may not recognize dangers
50 of 101
Employers have a legal duty to provide a first aid kit to
all plumbers on any site
51 of 101
A fire extinguisher with a cream panel indicates that the contents are
52 of 101
In general terms, the maximum amount that should be safely lifted and carried by one person
53 of 101
A Health and Safety Policy Statement, outlining on site policies and safety procedures, must be produced when a company employs more than
four people
54 of 101
In the event of someone receiving a minor injury and not being able to complete an accident report form, it should be completed by
the injured person when they are able
55 of 101
If a piece of faulty equipment is suspected of having caused a serious accident, it should be
made safe and an investigation conducted
56 of 101
When providing first air to a casualty suffering from a broken bone, the
the break must be properly supported
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A casualty should be placed in the recovery position if
the are unconscious
58 of 101
A site specific "permit to work" would most likely be needed for
welding sheet lead
59 of 101
The best way to eliminate trip hazards and ensure 'good housekeeping' is
keep the workspace tidy
60 of 101
All 110V and 230V electrical power tools must have a regular
portable appliance test
61 of 101
Before using any specialist plumbing tools, the operative must
have been instructed in their proper use
62 of 101
To change an abrasive cutting wheel, a plumber must be
certified as competent to do so
63 of 101
Continued inhalation of asbestos fibres can lead to
lung cancer
64 of 101
After exposure to a corrosive chemical, eyes should be rinsed with
clean water
65 of 101
COSHH rated substances are recognizable by their
66 of 101
It is necessary for a plumber to wear a dust mark
whilst removing a solid fuel boiler from a fireplace opening
67 of 101
Asbestos found on site should be prepared for disposal by
sealing it in labelled bags or containers
68 of 101
Used LPG cylinders are usually disposed of
by returning them to their supplier
69 of 101
What should be done when first hearing a fire alarm on site?
Go to an assembly point
70 of 101
On contacting the emergency service, the first piece of information that should be passed on is the
location of the incident
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It is safe to use a water fire extinguisher on
a wood fire
72 of 101
A fire involving flammable gases which should be extinguised by dry power, is categorised as
Class C
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The action that should be taken in the event of a small self contained fire amongst wood shavings on a concrete floor, is to
calmly put the fire out with a portable water extinguisher
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If evacuated from a construction site due to a bomb threat, a plumber should
go to the designated assembly point
75 of 101
An employer must have a written Health and Safety Policy
when employing five or more people
76 of 101
The Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996 make specific reference to
working at heights
77 of 101
The recommended safe maximum voltage when using an electrical inspection lamp on a construction site is
110 volts
78 of 101
A ladder on a construction site must be
properly lashed to the scaffold
79 of 101
The management of construction projects, from planning and construction through to demolition, are covered by the
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations
80 of 101
A hazardous substance that can poison a person is labelled as
a toxic substance
81 of 101
Which one of the following items of PPE must an employer provide specifically for open air lead welding activities?
Clear lens safety goggles
82 of 101
An excavation of over 2 metres in depth must
have guard rails and toe boards provided
83 of 101
An RCD is a device that provides a high level of protection in the event of an electrical failure. RCD stands for
Residual current device
84 of 101
It is recommended that an enclosed plumbers van must carry two dry power fire extinguishers if the van
is carrying LPG cylinders
85 of 101
To provide guidance on potentially hazardous work activities a company should produce
risk assessments
86 of 101
The initial RIDDOR stands for
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
87 of 101
Accidents which result in more than three days absence from work must be reported to the
88 of 101
The initials CPR stand for
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
89 of 101
A safety helmet should be worn by worker on a construction site
At all times
90 of 101
The HSE recommends that portable electrical equipment used on a construction site should be inspected and tested by a competent person every
3 months
91 of 101
A circular saw can only be used in a private house to remove floor boarding...
after training has been provided
92 of 101
Abrasive wheels can usually only be used by
people who have been specially trained
93 of 101
Mesothelioma, a cancer of the inner chest wall, is caused by over exposure to
94 of 101
A plumber should the especially aware of possible contact with asbestos, when working
in buildings built or refurbished before 1980
95 of 101
Asbestos waste should usually be taken to
a licensed waste disposal site
96 of 101
The most important piece of information that must be passed on the emergency services as soon as possible during an emergency call is the
exact location of the incident
97 of 101
When reporting a fire, an additional piece of information that should be passed on to the Fire Brigade is
details of any flammable materials stored on site
98 of 101
The type of fuel present in a Class A fire is
Solid fuel
99 of 101
A foam filled fire extinguisher would be most appropriate for use on
a petrol fire
100 of 101
The purpose of an assembly point on a construction site is
a safe are for workers in the event of site evacuation
101 of 101
Other cards in this set
Card 2
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974...
Requires employers to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work for all employees
Card 3
The safest method of providing temporary lighting for work locations in an area of a building under construction. is by a

Card 4
A ladder set against a wall reaches to a vertical height of 4m above ground level. To comply with safety requirements, the horizontal distance from the wall to the ladder at its based should be

Card 5
Safety Regulations identify that before using an electric drill it must be

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