Harmony 0.0 / 5 ? MusicDeveloping Musical UnderstandingA2/A-levelWJEC Created by: gemmawiltonCreated on: 23-10-17 18:29 Diatonic Using notes that belong to the current key. 1 of 20 Chromatic using notes not belonging to the diatonic scale of the key in which a passage is written. 2 of 20 Consonance a combination of notes that sound pleasant to most people when played at the same time. 3 of 20 Dissonance a combination of notes that sound harsh or unpleasant to most people. 4 of 20 Passing Note A note that doesn't belong to the key signature, and that falls on a weak beat. 5 of 20 Auxiliary Note the note which occurs when a melody moves by step away from a harmony note then back again. 6 of 20 Acciaccatura a very short ornamental note played just before the principal melodic note. 7 of 20 Appoggiatura a nonharmonic grace note that resolves stepwise. 8 of 20 Suspension A chord note that is held or repeated over a change in harmony to create a dissonance before moving to a note of the new chord. 9 of 20 False Cadence a deceptive cadence. 10 of 20 Pedal Note A sustained or repeated note, usually in a low register, over which changing harmonies occur. 11 of 20 Drone when a bass note is held throughout a passage of music. 12 of 20 Tierce De Picardie A major 3rd in the final chord of a passage in a minor key. 13 of 20 Perfect Cadence chord V-I. 14 of 20 Imperfect Cadence any chord-V. 15 of 20 Plagal Cadence chord IV-I. 16 of 20 Interrupted Cadence chord V-VI. 17 of 20 Leading Note the seventh degree of a major or minor scale. 18 of 20 Mediant the third degree of a major or minor scale. 19 of 20 Note of Anticipation A melody note sounded slightly before the chord to which it belongs, creating dissonance with the current chord 20 of 20
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