Hamlet Corruption Quotes 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureHamletA2/A-levelOCR Created by: msahayCreated on: 13-03-20 09:11 'an unweeded garden that grows to seed things rank and gross' Hamlet, Act 1 Scene 2. Metaphor for Denmark's corruption under Claudius. 1 of 16 'Something is rotten in the state of Denmark' Marcellus, Act 1 Scene 4. Motif of decay and ruin used to represent Denmark's corruption under Claudius. 2 of 16 'revenge his foul and most unnatural murder' The Ghost to Hamlet, Act 1 Scene 5. Ghost imperatively encourages Hamlet to commit a sin. 3 of 16 'that incestuous, that adulterate beast' The Ghost to Hamlet, Act 1 Scene 5. Claudius has made Gertrude sexually corrupt. 4 of 16 'vile and loathsome crust' The Ghost to Hamlet, Act 1 Scene 5. Motif of decay and disease to describe the poison's effect on Old King Hamlet 5 of 16 'a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours' Hamlet, Act 2 Scene 2. Olfactory imagery to represent the corruption of the court. 6 of 16 'lawful espials' Claudius, Act 3 Scene 1. Corrupt act of political surveillance. 7 of 16 'O my offence is rank! It smells to heaven!' Claudius, Act 3 Scene 3. Olfactory imagery and motif of decay to show Claudius' corruption. 8 of 16 'I am still possessed of those effects for which I did the murder...my crown, mine own ambition, and my Queen' Claudius, Act 3 Scene 3. Tricolon emphasises Claudius' corrupt rise to power 9 of 16 'Words without thoughts never to heaven go' Claudius, Act 3 Scene 3. Claudius' inability to genuinely repent is a testament to his moral corruption 10 of 16 'the rank sweat of an enseamed marriage bed, stewed in corruption' Hamlet to Gertrude, Act 3 Scene 4. Visceral description of Gertrude's sexual corruption. 11 of 16 'Almost as bad, good mother, as kill a king and marry with his brother' Hamlet to Gertrude Act 3 Scene 4. Oxymoron 'bad'/'good' - Hamlet states Gertrude's part in corruption 12 of 16 'we will ship him hence' Claudius, Act 4 Scene 1. Claudius' plot to kill his own stepson is Machiavellian and corrupt 13 of 16 'Where is the beauteous majesty of Denmark?' Ophelia, Act 4 Scene 5. Even in madness, Ophelia recognises the corruption of the state. 14 of 16 'The King's to blame' Laertes, Act 5 Scene 2. Claudius is identified as the root of corruption. 15 of 16 'He that hath killed my king and and whored my mother' Hamlet, Act 5 Scene 2. Corrupt deeds of Claudius listed. 16 of 16
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