Group Dynamics Revision

  • Created by: NGUxDash
  • Created on: 07-04-24 11:11
What makes a successful team?
- Adapt to situation and different circumstances
- Ability to cope with setbacks (resilience)
- Belief in their collective ability (collective efficacy)
- Disciplined
- Positive atmosphere
- Open communication
- Commitment/feedback
- Enjoyable environment
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What is Social Identity?
The sense of self that is derived from membership in a social group
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Who are the key researchers?
- Albert Carron
-Alex Haslam
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What is Cohesion?
A dynamic process which is reflected in
the tendency for a group to stick together
and remain united in the pursuit of
goals and objectives” (Carron, 1982)
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What are the types of Cohesion?
- Task
- Social
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What are the determinations of Cohesion?
- Environmental factors
- Team factors
- Leadership factors
Personal factors
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What is the (SI) Social Identity Approach?
Contemporary approach to group functioning in organisational settings
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Who were the original pioneers of the Social Identity Approach?
Henri Tajfel & John Turner
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Who are the Contemporary pioneers of the Social Identity Approach?
Alex Haslam, Steve Reicher, and our very
own Dr Matthew Slater
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What is the 'we' or 'us' identity?
Social Identity
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What is the 'I' or 'Me' identity?
Personal Identity
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What is Social Identity?
Individual’s knowledge that he/she belongs to certain social groups together with some emotional value and significance to him [or her] of this group membership
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What is Personal Identity?
An individual’s perception of themselves to be distinct and different from other people in a
particular environment
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What was the outcome of Original Social Identity Experiments?
Participants showed favouritism to a member of
their own group by awarding that individual more
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What is the Social Identity Theory?
Internalisation and psychological significance associated with belonging to a group provides foundation for effective group functioning
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How can you enhance group functioning?
- Team goal setting (Widmeyer & Ducharme, 1997)
- Through leadership (Turman, 2003)

- Create team identity (Slater, Evans, & Barker, 2013)

- Personal Disclosure, Mutual Sharing (Dunn & Holt, 2004; Holt & Dunn, 2006).
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What are some examples of Personal-Disclosure Mutual-Sharing?
- Prepare speeches around unknown personal stories to disclose to group.

- Team building intervention with athletes, coaches and support staff.

- Develops emotional connection between team members.
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What is Task Cohesion?
- Attraction to the group

- Group integration
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What is Social Cohesion?
- Attraction to the group

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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is Social Identity?


The sense of self that is derived from membership in a social group

Card 3


Who are the key researchers?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Cohesion?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the types of Cohesion?


Preview of the front of card 5
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