Gross neuronatomy 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyGrossUniversityAll boards Created by: lw121xCreated on: 08-12-15 15:08 who argued that the brain cools the brain Aristole 1 of 37 who argued that hydreulics caused movement in the body Claudius Green 2 of 37 The Peripheral nervous sytem has the parasympathetic and symapthetic stressors 3 of 37 The anterior is also known as rostral 4 of 37 The rorsal is at the forehead 5 of 37 Cuadual is at the opposite end of the rorsal or anterior 6 of 37 the posterior is also known as the caudal 7 of 37 The dorsal view of the brain you can see it like a gps 8 of 37 Slicing the brain cordinal is always nearer the eyes 9 of 37 Horizonal slice = across the brain 10 of 37 sagital slice is 3/4 across 11 of 37 Horizontal is middle 12 of 37 Post central and precentral... grus 13 of 37 what are bumps on the surface of the brain Gryri 14 of 37 What are folds in the surface of the brain serving as land marks Sulci 15 of 37 Just after temporal lobe = superior temporal 16 of 37 Central sulcus divides..... lobe central 17 of 37 sylivian fissure divides temperal arietal and frontal lobes 18 of 37 Interhemispheric fissure is the gap 19 of 37 lnaguage is percieved on the .... side of the brain left 20 of 37 perception is percieved on the.... side of the brain right 21 of 37 wires connecting are white matter 22 of 37 grey matter cell bodies of nerve cells 23 of 37 mid brain structure: brain stem> crellum> thalamus> corpus callosum 24 of 37 Frontal lobe is responsible for social interaction, planning 25 of 37 Temporal lobe is responsible for language and recognition 26 of 37 Pariteral lobe is responsible for special attention and touch 27 of 37 sensory relay is done in thalamus 28 of 37 motor tract controls movements 29 of 37 hypothalamus is responsible for hunger and sex 30 of 37 middle cerebral, anterior cerebral and posterior cerebral are arteries 31 of 37 Integration is possible in the brain via comissures 32 of 37 Commisures carry ....... fibre bundles 33 of 37 The corpus callosumn is the largest commisure 34 of 37 main projection area motor cortex 35 of 37 association areas thinking, remembering and speaking 36 of 37 1/4 of brains surface area taken up by... association areas 37 of 37
Discuss how motor development is shaped by biological, psychological and environmental factors. 0.0 / 5
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