Greek world 1B timeline 0.0 / 5 ? Ancient HistoryGreek worldUniversityAll boards Created by: ellaCreated on: 18-02-19 18:01 499 BC Ionian Revolt begins 1 of 32 490 BC Battle of Marathon 2 of 32 486 BC Athenian archon is chosen by lot 3 of 32 482 BC Ostracism of Aristides 4 of 32 480-479 BC Persian Invasion of Greece 5 of 32 478 BC Foundation of Delian League and growth of Athenian democracy 6 of 32 470-456 BC Construction of the Temple of Zeus 7 of 32 464 BC Helot revolt in Sparta 8 of 32 461 BC Reforms of Ephialtes in Athens 9 of 32 460-445 BC 'First' Peloponnesian War 10 of 32 458 BC Aeschylus writes Oresteia 11 of 32 454 BC Treasury moved from Delos to Athens 12 of 32 451 BC Pericles limits Athenian citizenship 13 of 32 450s BC Herodotus writes his Histories 14 of 32 447-432 BC Construction of the Parthenon 15 of 32 445 BC Thirty Years' Peace 16 of 32 431-404 BC Peloponnesian War 17 of 32 430s BC Thucydides begins his History 18 of 32 429 BC Pericles dies 19 of 32 428 BC Sophocles writes Oedipus Tyrannus 20 of 32 425 BC Aristophanes writes Acharnians 21 of 32 423 BC Thucydides exiled from Athens 22 of 32 421 BC Peace of Nicias 23 of 32 415 BC Euripides write Trojan Women 24 of 32 415-413 BC Sicilian campaign 25 of 32 411 BC Aristophanes writes Lysistrata 26 of 32 411-410 BC Oligarcgic coup at Athens, establishment of council of 400 and regime of the 5000 27 of 32 404-403 BC Thirty Tyrants of Athens 28 of 32 403-377 BC Sparta is the most powerful state in Greece 29 of 32 399 BC Trial and execution of Socrates 30 of 32 399-360 BC Xenophon is writing 31 of 32 399-347 BC Plato's Dialogues 32 of 32
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