Glossary - English 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? English Language & LiteratureOthello/EquusA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Andreya TeasdaleCreated on: 24-11-14 09:49 Names of things with no physical qualities Abstract Nouns 1 of 9 Lexis describing ideas, feelings and states of mind Abstract Vocabulary 2 of 9 Words with the same initial sounds in a sequence Alliteration 3 of 9 Repeting words with a similar vowel in a sequence Asonance 4 of 9 Unrhymed poetry in iambic pentameter Blank Verse 5 of 9 The description of a characer's qualities Characterisation 6 of 9 Poetic rhythm with 5 strong and 5 weak beats per line Iambic Pentameter 7 of 9 Language that exaggerates for effect Heightened Language 8 of 9 In which something has a broad social setting. Looking at social or political themes Public Drama 9 of 9