Glossary A 0.0 / 5 ? ComputingGlossaryGCSEOCR Created by: anamck8aCreated on: 12-06-17 11:49 Picking out the important bits of information. abstraction 1 of 13 Coming up with an algorithm to solve a problem. algorithmic thinking 2 of 13 A step by step set of rules or instructions. algorithm 3 of 13 A collective name for letters,digits and symbols. alpanumetric 4 of 13 A continuous signal which can't be processed by a computer. analogue signal 5 of 13 A value that a parameter of a sub program actually takes. argument 6 of 13 An operator that programs use to carry out simple mathematical operations. arithmetic operator 7 of 13 A data structure where all the data is stored and defined under one variable name. array 8 of 13 A 7-bit character set consisting of 128 characters. ASCII 9 of 13 A program the turns assembly language into machine code. assembler 10 of 13 A low level language. assembly language 11 of 13 A process for checking the identity of the user. authentication 12 of 13 A programming tool commonly used to make a summary of the program. auto-documentation 13 of 13
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