Glossary 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyNatural hazardsGCSEAQA Created by: a_student2004Created on: 29-09-19 18:39 Naturally occuring event that may have a negative effect on people Natural hazard 1 of 12 raised platform under the ocean Ridge 2 of 12 when one plate goes under the other Subduction 3 of 12 the spread of something Distribution 4 of 12 the outer layer of the Earth Crust 5 of 12 the layer of molten rock below the crust Mantle 6 of 12 a volcano that has not erupted in living memory Dormant 7 of 12 molten rock in the mantle Magma 8 of 12 the centre of the Earth Core 9 of 12 the point where two plates meet Plate Margin 10 of 12 a hazard caused by moving plates tectonic hazards 11 of 12 plates slide past each other Conservative 12 of 12
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