Glossary 2
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- Created by: George Heard
- Created on: 05-04-19 15:58
Instruction set
The pattern of 0s and 1s that a particular processor recognises as commands, along with their associated meanings
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An operation code or instructions used in assembly language
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A vale or memory address that forms part of an assembly language instruction
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Addressing mode
The way in which the operand is interpreted
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Assembly language
A way of programming using mnemonics
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Short codes that are used as instructions when programming e.g. LDR, ADD
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Direct address
The operand is the datum
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Immediate address
The operand is the memory address or register number
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Data transfer operations
Operations within an instruction set that move data around between the registers and memory
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Arithmetic operaions
Operation within an instruction set that performs basic maths e.g. add and subtract
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Shift instructions
Operations within an instruction set that move bits within a register
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Logical operations
Operations within an instruction set that move the bits around within the operand
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Branch operations
Operations within an instruction set that allow you to move from one part of the program to another
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Digital camera
A device for creating digital images of photographs, which can be printed or transferred onto a computer to be manipulated and stored
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Charge coupled device (CCD)
In digital cameras it is a sensor that records the amount of light received and convert it into a digital value
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Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS)
Is an alternative technology that performs the same functions as a CCD
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RGB filter
Red, Green and blue filters that light passes through in order to create all other colours
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The process of reducing the size of a file
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The number of pixels used to create an image
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Barcode reader
A device that uses lasers or LEDs to read the black and white lines of a barcode
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Radio frequency identification(RFID)
A microscopic device that stores data and transmits it using radio waves-usually used in tags to track items
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Laser printer
A device that uses lasers and toner to create mono and colour printes
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Hard disk (HDD)
A secondary storage device made up of metallic disks that stores data magnetically
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In SSDs a controller is needed to organise data into blocks for storage purposes
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In data storage it is the concept of storing data into set groups of bits and bytes of a fixed length
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Floating gate transistor
In SSDs it is a type of non-volatile transistor that stores data even without a power source
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Unauthorised access
Where computer systems or data are used by people who are not the intended users
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Code of conduct
A voluntary set of rules that define the way in which individuals and organisations will behave
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Legal issue
Factors that have been made into laws by the government
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Data misuse
Using data for purposes other than for which it was collected
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The legal ownership that applies to software, music, films and other content
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Cultural issues
Factors that have an impact on the way in which we function as a society
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Serial transmission
Data is transmitted one bit at a time down a single wire
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Parellel transmission
Data is transmitted several bits at a time using multiple wires
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A measure of the capacity of the channel down which the data is being sent. Measure in hertz (Hz)
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The time delay that occurs when transmitting data between devices
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Asynchronous data transmission
Data is transmitted between two devices that do not share a common clock signal
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Start bit
A bit used to indicate the start of a unit of data in asynchronous data transmission
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Stop bit
A bit used to indicate the end of a unit of data in asynchronous data transmission
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Parity bit
A method of checking binary codes by counting the number of 0s and 1s in the code
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Synchronous data transmission
Data is transmitted where the pulse of the clock of the sending and receiving device are in time with each other. The devices may share a common clock
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Sets of rules
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A set of protocols(set of rules) for all TCP/IP network transmissions
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HTTP(Hypertext transfer protocol)
The protocol (set of rules) to define the identification, request and transfer of multimedia content over the internet
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A protocol(set of rules) for handling file uploads and downloads
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devices that are connected together to share data and resources
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Network adapter/Network interface card(NIC)
A card that enables devices to connect to a network
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Network topology
The layout of a network usually in terms of its conceptual layout rather than the physical layout
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Local area network (LAN)
A network over a small geographical distance - usually on one site and typically used by one organisation
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Wide area network (WAN)
A network spread over a large geographical distance
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Star topology
A way of connecting devices in a network where each workstation has a dedicated cable to a central computer or switch
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Bus topology
A network layout that uses one main data cable as a backbone to transmit data
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Physical topology
The way in which devices in a network are physically connected
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Logical topology
The conceptual way in which data is transmitted around a network
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Client server
A network methodology where one computer has the main processing power and storage and the other computers act as clients requesting services from the server
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A network methodology where all devices in a network share resources between them rather than having a server
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Wireless wide area network (WWAN)
A WAN that does not use cables, but send data using radio waves
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Media access control (MAC)
A unique code that identifies a particular device on a network
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A standard method for connecting devices wirelessly to a network and to the internet
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Wireless local area network (WLAN)
A LAN that does not use cables but connect using radio waves
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Request to send//clear to send (RTS/CTS)
A protocol to ensure data does not collide when being transmitted on wireless networks
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Service set identifier(SSID)
A locally unique 32-character code that identifies a device on a wireless network
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WiFi protected access (WPA/WPA2)
A protocol for encrypting data and ensuring security on WiFi networks
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A global network of networks
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Uniform resource locator (URL)
A method for identifying the location of resources e.g. webisites on the internet
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Domain name system (DNS)
The recognisable name of a domain on the internet
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Domain name server (DNS)
Internet protocol (IP) address
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Used to identify a particular process of application on a network
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A protocol for receiving emails
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Secure shell (SSH) protocol
A protocol for remote access to computers
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Port forwarding
A method of routing data through additional ports
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An endpoint of a communication flow across a computer network
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Subnet masking
A method of dividing a network into multiple smaller networks
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A node on a network that acts a connection point to another network with different protocols
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Dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP)
A set of rules for allocating locally unique IP addresses to devices as they connect to a network
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Internet registries
Organisations who allocate and administer domain names and IP addresses
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Regional internet registry (RIR)
One of five large organisations that allocates and administer domain names and IP addresses in different parts of the world
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A block of data being transmitteed
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The process of directing packets of data between networks
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Packet switching
A method for transmitting packets of data via the quickest route on a network
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A method of checking the integrity of data by calculating a sum based on the data being sent
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Hardware or software for protecting against unauthorised access to a network
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Packet filtering
A technique for examining the contents of packets on a network and rejecting them if they do not conform to certain rules
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Stateful inspection
A technique for examining the contents of packets on a network and rejecting them if they do not form part of a recognised communication
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Symmetric encryption
Where the sender and receiver both use the same key to encrypt and decrypt data
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Asymmetric encryption
Where a public and private key are used to encrypt and decrypt data
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Private key
A code used to encrypt/decrypt data that is only known by one user but is mathematically linked to corresponding public key
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Digital certificate
A method of ensuring that an encrypted message is from a trusted source as they have a certificate from a certification authority
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Certification authority
A trusted organisation that provides digital certificates and signatures
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Digital signature
A method of ensuring that an encrypted message is from a trusted source as they have a unique, encrypted signature verified by a certification authority
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Malware that is hidden within another file on your computer
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A generic term for malware where the program attaches itself to another file in order to infect a computer
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Malware or a type of virus that replicates itself and spreads around a computer system, it does not need to be attached to another file in order to infect a computer
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A set of protocols for all TCP/IP network transmissions
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A protocol for sending emails
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Secure shell (SSH) protocol
A protocol for remote access to computers
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a protocol for handling file uploads and downloads
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Email server
A dedicated computer on a network for handling email
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Web server
A dedicated computer on a network for handling web content
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Web browser
An application for viewing web pages
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Application program interface (API)
A set of subroutines that enable one program to interface with another program
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Websocket protocol
A set of rules that creates a persistent connection between two computers on a network to enable real-tie collaboration
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The name given to a packet of data being transmitted using the websocket protocol
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An acronym that explains the main functions of a database: create, read, update, delete
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SQL (Structured query language)
A programming language uses to manage data within a relational database
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REST (representational state transfer)
A methodology for implementing a networked database
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(Javascript object notation) A standard format for transmitting data
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XML (Extensible markup language)
A method of defining data formats for data that will be transmitted around a network
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Client-server database
A way of implementing a database where the database is put into a server and various users can access it from their workstations. The processing, e.g. running a query, will take place on the server
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Thin client
In a network where one computer contains the majority of resources, processing power and storage capacity, which it distributes to other clients
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Thick client
In a network where resources, processing power and storage capacity are distributed between the server and the client computers
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A computer that has little or no processing power or storage capacity used as a client in a thin client network
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Relational database
A method of creating a database using tables of related data, with relationships between the tables
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A method for implementing on entity and attributes as a group of related data
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An object about which data will be stored
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A characteristic or piece of information about an entity, which would be stored asa field in a relationship database
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Entity relationship diagram
A visual method of describing relationships between entities
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Primary key
An attribute that can be used to uniquely identify every record within a table
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Entity identifier
An attribute which can uniquely identify each instance of an entity
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Foreign key
An attribute in a table that is a primary key in another table and is used to link tables together
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The process of ensuring that a relational database is structured efficently
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Structured query language (SQL)
A specialised programming language for manipulating databases
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A method for implementing an entity and attributes as a group of related data
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An object about which data will be stored
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A characteristic or piece of information about an entity, which would be stored as a field in a relationship database
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Entity relationship diagram
A visual method of describing relationships between entities
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Foreign key
An attribute in a table that is a primary key in another table and is used to link tables together
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The process of ensuring that a relational database is structured efficiently
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Structured query language (SQL)
A specialised programming language for manipulating databases
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A search of sort carried out on data that retrieves the answer to a question
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Database management system
Software that enables the management of all aspects of a database including adding, updating and querying data
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Record locks
A technique to ensure that only one transaction at a time is executed from multiple users on a database
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A technique to ensure that only one transaction at a time is executed from multiple users on a database
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Timestamp ordering
A technique to ensure multiple users can execute commands on a shared database based on the timestamp of when the data was last written to or read from
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Commitment ordering
A technique to ensure concurrent transactions on a shared database are executed based on the timestamp of when the request is made and also the precedence the request takes over other simultaneous request
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Big data
A generic term for large complex datasets that are different to store and analyse
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The time delay that occurs when transmitting data between devices
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Structured data
Data that fit into a standard database structure of columns and rows (fields and records)
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Unstructured data
Data that do not fit into a standard database structure of columns and rows (fields and records)
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Recreating a real-life situation on a computer
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Graph schema (database)
A method of defining, a database in terms of nodes, edges and properties
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Node / properties
In database modelling, it is an entity
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In a database graph schema, it refers to the link and relationship between two nodes
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Distributed processing/ computing
The principle of spreading large and complex tasks over a number of computer and servers
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Distributed program
A program specifically written to be used in a distributed processing environment
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Functional programming
A programming paradigm that uses functions to create programs
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A data item whose value will change as the program is run
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In programming it refers to the state that the variables are in i.e the value that is currently stored
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Side effects
In programming it refers to the fact that the value contained within a variable will change as the program is run, which has implications for other parts of the program
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Imperative language
A language based on giving the computer commands or procedures to follow
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Object-oriented language
A programming paradigm that encapsulates instructions and data together into objects
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A subroutine that returns a single value
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the concept of two users trying to access the same data at the same time
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Functional programming paradigm
A language where each line of code is made up of call to a function, which in turn may be made up of other functions, or result in a value
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Declarative programming languages
Languages that declare or specify what properties a result should have e.g. results will be based on functions
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Procedural programming languages
Languages where the programmer specifies the steps that must be carried out in order to achieve a result
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Function type
Refers to the way in which the expression is created e.g integer of the domain and codomain where f: A→B is the type of function
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A set of data of the same type which are the inputs of a function
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The set of values from which the outputs of a function must be drawn
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First-class object
Any object that can be used as an argument or result of a function call
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Higher order function
A function that takes a function as its inputs or creates a function as its output
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Map function
A function that generates an output list from an input list by applying a function to each element in the input list
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Filter function
A method of creating a subset based on specified criteria
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Reduce/fold function
A method of reducing a list to a single element by combining the elements using a functions
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A collection of data tiems of the same type
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The name of a list
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Every element in a list apart from the head
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The first element in a list
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Empty list
A list with no elements in it
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The first stage of system development where the problem is identified, researched and alternative solution proposed
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Feasibility study
An analysis of whether it is possible or desirable to create a system
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The second stage of system development where the algorithms, data and interface are designed
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Top-down design
Related to the modular approach, this tarts with the main system at the top and breaks it down into smaller and smaller units a bit like a family tree
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Modular design
A method of system design that breaks a whole system down into smaller units, or modules
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Data flow diagram (DFD)
A visual method of showing how data passes around a system
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Data dictionary
A list of all the data being used in the system including name, length, data types and validation
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Variables table
A list of all the variables that a program will use, including names and data types
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The third stage of system development where the actual code and and data structures are created
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A stripped own version of a whole system built at the design stage to test whether the concept works
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The fourth stage of system development that includes a range of tests using a variety of data
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Normal test data
Test data that is within the expected range for the system and should therefore produce the correct result
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Boundary test data
Test data on or close to the boundary of the acceptable range
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Erroneous test data
Test data that is clearly incorrect and should produce an error
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Development testing
Testing that takes place during the devlopment of the program
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Black box testing
Using test data to test for an expected outcome
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White box testing
Checking all pathways through the code, looking inside it and potentially adding extra commands to check what is happening
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Unit testing
Testing carried out on the system once it has been completed
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System testing
A range of tests carried out on the system once it has been completed
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The final stage of development where the system is judged according to certain criteria
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
An operation code or instructions used in assembly language
Card 3
Card 4
Addressing mode
Card 5
Assembly language
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