A phenomenon which can cause loss of life, injury, disease, economic loss, or environmental damage. It is a perceived natural event that has the potential to threaten both life and property.
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Natural Hazard
Natural processes or phenomena occurring in the biosphere that may constitute a damaging event or a natural process which affects people,e.g. causing loss of life or injury, economic damage, disruption to people's lives or environmental degradation.
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Hydro-meteorological Hazards
Those caused by running water and its processes and those associated with or caused by weather patterns.
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Hydro-meteorological Hazards Examples
Floods, debris and mud flows. Hurricanes, coastal storm surges and hailstorms, rain and wind storms, blizzards and other sever storms. Drought, bushfires, temperature extremes, sandstorms and dust storms/
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Geophysical Hazards
Those caused by earth processes.
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Types of Geophysical Hazards
Internal earth process of tectonic origin, e.g. earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic activity. External earth processes of geomorphological origin involving mass movements, e.g. landslides, rockslides and rockfalls
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A hazard becoming reality ibn an event that causes death and damage to good property and the environment.
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The likelihood of possible outcomes as a result of a particular action or reaction
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Disaster Risk Equation
Risk = Hazard x Vulnerability / capacity to Cope
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Why are some people vulnerable to hazards?
Some people are more vulnerable to hazards than others due to their economic state. Poorer countries are more vulnerable to hazards as they do not have the ablility to cope with the hazard whereas richer countries are more able to cope.
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Why is global warming a major hazard?
Global warming is a major hazard because it has the potential to damage the environment and the people as well as the property. Global warming is a major hazard because it is mainly humans which are burning fossil fuels and CFCs which are dangerous
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Hazard vulnerability
The capacity of a person or group to anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from the impact of a natural hazard.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Natural processes or phenomena occurring in the biosphere that may constitute a damaging event or a natural process which affects people,e.g. causing loss of life or injury, economic damage, disruption to people's lives or environmental degradation.
Natural Hazard
Card 3
Those caused by running water and its processes and those associated with or caused by weather patterns.
Card 4
Floods, debris and mud flows. Hurricanes, coastal storm surges and hailstorms, rain and wind storms, blizzards and other sever storms. Drought, bushfires, temperature extremes, sandstorms and dust storms/
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