Gleichshaltung- Essay 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryThe rise of Germany 1871 – 1945ASOCR Created by: francesca_321Created on: 19-05-15 12:41 What was the policy of Gleicschaltung? To coordinate all elements of Germany to reflect and enforce Nazi ideology 1 of 25 How was Gleicshaltung a success? The state parliaments were abolished 2 of 25 How was the policy not a total success? there were a number of key areas remaining outside of full nazi control 3 of 25 Therefore? uncoordinated for example big business leaders remained in place 4 of 25 What was the most significant success of Gleischaltung? Nazi policies towards political parties and trade unions 5 of 25 Why? THey were abolished and replaced with the German labour front in 1933 6 of 25 What did this mean> That opposition had been removed 7 of 25 What did the nazi party use to coordinate other parties? A variety of methods 8 of 25 How was the SPD banned? IT's assests were seized to weaken it's resistance and then banned 9 of 25 How was the KPD banned It was banned after the Reichstag fire in 1933 10 of 25 What about the DNVP leader? He was found dead after resisting to dissolve party 11 of 25 What happened to the centre party? It dissolved after the concordat was reached to protect the catholic church 12 of 25 Therefore how was it successful? In coordinating parties and trade unions as they were fully nazified 13 of 25 What was another success of gleichschaltung? media and education 14 of 25 What was it under the leadership of? Goebells 15 of 25 Why is it more of a weakness? Radio propaganda was not fully interspersed with popular music till 1939 to ensure people listenned 16 of 25 Why was religion a fail? The protestant evangelical churches had resisted fully 17 of 25 What did they refuse to join? The reich church 18 of 25 What church was set up outside the power of the Reich bishop? The confessing church 19 of 25 Why was the army a fail? General bloomberg ensured that the army would keep its own traditions and structures and no army officers were allowed to join the nazi party 20 of 25 What did Hitler set up? Reich defence committee 21 of 25 Which he? Chaired 22 of 25 When> After hindenburgs death 1934 23 of 25 What did the army do then? swore and oath of illegence to Hitller 24 of 25 Why was it still a fail? Later attempts to overthrow hitler such as colonel straffenburg in 1944 25 of 25
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