Protagonist. Originally from Newcastle, but moved to London. Seeks vengeance of his brother/besmirched name. Dies by the waves after being assassinated by 'J'.
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Eric Paice
An old associate of Jacks. He forced Frank to drink a bottle of whiskey prior to Frank's death. Jack chases him up a hill along the coast and forces him to drink whiskey, the same way Eric forced Frank to. Jack then kills Eric beating him with a gun.
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Gerald Fletcher's girlfriend, who Jack Carter is having an affair with, and who he plans to escape with after his 'one last job'. It is presumed that she dies and or is severely beaten.
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Cyril Kinnear
Crime boss. Organised the death of Frank, and the **** film involving Doreen.
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Met during the poker scene with Kinnear. Jack and Glenda later have sex, then she goes for a bath. Jack watches the *****. She says that the film was Kinnear’s She is forced into the car which is pushed into the river with her inside.
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Frank's mistress. Also partook in the film with Doreen. She is killed outside Kinnear's house with a lethal dose of heroin administered by Jack Carter.
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Carter's landlady
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Doreen Carter
Carter's niece/possible illegitimate
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Cliff Brumby
He tells Carter that Kinnear was behind Franks death. Jack pushes him off a high story car park as he Albert Swift told Jack that Brumby knew about Doreen, especially that she was Frank's daughter.
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The Fletcher Twins
Gerald was Jack's boss. They wanted Jack to stay in London as they would've been discovered as having involvement in Doreen's film.
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Albert Swift
Carter's old acquaintance. He tries to contact him at the beginning of the movie, but he escapes. Later on he is confronted by Carter at a betting shop. He admits to knowing about the film and telling Brumby. Jack then fatally stabs him.
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Frank Carter
Jack's brother, who was killed after discovering the film involving Doreen and threatening to go to the authorities.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
An old associate of Jacks. He forced Frank to drink a bottle of whiskey prior to Frank's death. Jack chases him up a hill along the coast and forces him to drink whiskey, the same way Eric forced Frank to. Jack then kills Eric beating him with a gun.
Eric Paice
Card 3
Gerald Fletcher's girlfriend, who Jack Carter is having an affair with, and who he plans to escape with after his 'one last job'. It is presumed that she dies and or is severely beaten.
Card 4
Crime boss. Organised the death of Frank, and the **** film involving Doreen.
Card 5
Met during the poker scene with Kinnear. Jack and Glenda later have sex, then she goes for a bath. Jack watches the *****. She says that the film was Kinnear’s She is forced into the car which is pushed into the river with her inside.
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