Germany Divided and Reunited, 1945-91
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- Created by: bushey97
- Created on: 06-05-14 12:22
Germany unconditionally surrendered
8 May 1945
1 of 98
Potsdam Conference
July 1945
2 of 98
FDJ set up (Communist Free German Youth)
March 1946 (headed by Honecker)
3 of 98
The Law for the Democratisation of German Schools
1946 (remove traces of Nazism from schools)
4 of 98
SED formed in East Germany (merger between SPD and KDP)
22 April 1946
5 of 98
Nuremberg Trials
October 1946
6 of 98
Formation of Bizonia
January 1947
7 of 98
Truman Doctrine announced
March 1947
8 of 98
US government announced the Marshall Plan ($13,000 billion, administered by OEEC)
July 1947
9 of 98
COMECON established (lacked financial muscle of Marshall Plan)
10 of 98
Currency reform in the Western zones
June 1948
11 of 98
The Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift started
June 1948
12 of 98
The Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift ended
May 1949
13 of 98
Formation of the FRG under Basic Law
May 1949
14 of 98
Adenauer became first Chancellor of the FRG
August 1949
15 of 98
Formation of the GDR
October 1949
16 of 98
Start of the Korean War
17 of 98
Signing of the European Coal and Steel (ECSC) Treaty in Paris
18 of 98
The 'Stalin note'
March 1952
19 of 98
Death of Stalin
20 of 98
June uprising in the GDR
21 of 98
FRG became an independent state
22 of 98
FRG joined NATO, GDR joined the Warsaw Pact
23 of 98
Compulsory military service began in the FRG
24 of 98
Construction of the Berlin Wall began
August 13 1961
25 of 98
Compulsory military service began in the GDR
26 of 98
The Spiegel affair
27 of 98
Adenauer resigned and was succeeded by Erhardt
28 of 98
Formation of the 'Grand Coalition' between CDU & SPD in FRG
29 of 98
FRG joined EEC as a founding member
30 of 98
The Hallstein Doctrine (refused to maintain diplomatic relations)
31 of 98
Mechanical engineering almost doubled industry
32 of 98
The co-determination law (gave unions representation on company boards)
33 of 98
Equalisation of Burdens Law (tax levied on rich to finance settlement of 10m guest workers)
34 of 98
Increase in old-age pensions (linked to wage increases)
35 of 98
Adenauer agreed to support international control of the Ruhr
1949 (allowed Germany to form diplomatic relations with other countries)
36 of 98
Paris-Bonn treaties implemented (FRG accepted as independent state)
1955 (secured FRG's independence within 6 years)
37 of 98
'131 law' (allowed formers Nazis to work in civil service)
1951 (extended to over 150,000 former Nazis)
38 of 98
The West German Communist Party (KPD) banned in FRG
1956 (banned because they supported June uprising of 1953)
39 of 98
Adenauer resigned and replaced by Erhardt
40 of 98
FRG was the second strongest force in NATO with 350,000 soldiers
1961 (half a million in the 1970s)
41 of 98
SED announced industry & agriculture taken into state ownership
July 1952
42 of 98
GDR parliament passed a law to set up the Stasi
1950 (links to SED)
43 of 98
50,000 Stasi employees & 100,000 IM's
44 of 98
100,000 Stasi employees & 300,000 IM's
45 of 98
The New Economic System (NES) implemented in GDR by Ulbricht
46 of 98
Christmas and New Year passes - 1m West Berliners visited relatives in East Berlin
December 1963
47 of 98
Old-age pensioners in GDR could visit relatives in FRG
48 of 98
Brandt SPD Chancellor
49 of 98
Brandt/Stoph meeting in the GDR
March 1970
50 of 98
Basic Treaty signed between the GDR and the FRG
51 of 98
Oil crisis began
52 of 98
New coalition government led by Kohl (CDY/FDP)
53 of 98
Treaty of Moscow (FRG & USSR agreed no territorial claims against each other)
54 of 98
Treaty of Warsaw (FRG agreed to respect Poland's western boarder with GDR)
55 of 98
The Four-Power Treaty (GDR allowed access from the FRG to West Berlin)
1971 (West Berliners also allowed to visit East Berlin
56 of 98
The Basic Treaty (FRG & GDR agreed to develop normal relations and recognise each other)
1972 (went against Hallstein Doctrine of 1952)
57 of 98
GDR and FRG become members of United Nations
58 of 98
Nazi NPD gained 10% of vote in state elections Bavaria
1968 (right-wing emerged during FRG's economic crisis)
59 of 98
OPEC trebled the price of oil (response to USA supplying Israel's armed forces with weapons)
60 of 98
Inflation over 5% in FRG & unemployment reached 3 million
61 of 98
Further recruitment of foreign workers banned
62 of 98
Second oil crisis hit
63 of 98
Inflation fell 2% (Kohl cut government spending)
64 of 98
SDS campaigned against Vietnam War & possession of nuclear weapons
65 of 98
SDS student protest in West Berlin - student shot dead by police officer
66 of 98
'Emergency Laws' passed by Bundestag - gave federal government extra powers with a 2/3 majority
67 of 98
New federal law banned 'radicals' from public sector employment
1972 (FRG moving in more authoritarian direction)
68 of 98
West German police listed 5m West Germans as sympathisers/supporters of terrorism
1977 (6000 people under police surveillance)
69 of 98
Munich Olympics
1972 (members of Israeli team taken hostage)
70 of 98
The Red Army Faction (RAF)
Active from 1970-93
71 of 98
'German autumn' - intense period of kidnappings
72 of 98
Republikaner Party established
73 of 98
New West German Communist Party (DKP) established
74 of 98
FRG announced the first Pershing II medium-range nuclear missiles were to be deployed in FRG
75 of 98
New constitution redefined the GDR as the 'Republic of Workers' & Peasants' State'
76 of 98
Friendship Treaty between USSR & GDR signed
77 of 98
Gorbachev became leader of USSR
78 of 98
Honecker became the first leader of the GDR to visit the FRG
79 of 98
No longer illegal for GDR citizens to watch West German television
80 of 98
Improvement in postal service & telephone lines between East & West Berlin
81 of 98
GDR doubled currency that Westerners needed to exchange to visit East Berlin
November 1973
82 of 98
Travel restrictions relaxed in GDR
83 of 98
Reforming Hungarian government opened its boarder with Austria
2 May 1989
84 of 98
Opposition groups in GDR monitored local election results
7 May 1989
85 of 98
Gorbachev visited East Berlin for the GDR's 40th anniversary celebrations
18 October 1989
86 of 98
Honecker resigned & replaced by Krenz as General Secretary of SPD
18 October 1989
87 of 98
Monday demonstrations in Leipzig chanted 'Germany-One Fatherland'
6 November 1989
88 of 98
Unrestricted travel from GDR to FRG announced & parts of Berlin Wall opened
9 November 1989
89 of 98
Kohl announced his 'Ten-Point Plan'
28 November 1989
90 of 98
Constitutional change in GDR ended supreme role of SED
1 December 1989
91 of 98
Free elections to GDR parliament held
18 March 1990
92 of 98
Currency union between FRG & GDR
1 July 1990
93 of 98
USSR agreed to reunited Germany being part of NATO
16 July 1990
94 of 98
Final Two-plus-Four Treaty signed in Moscow
12 September 1990
95 of 98
GDR abolished & its territory formally reunited with FRG
3 October 1990
96 of 98
First post-war all-German election returned Kohl as Chancellor
2 December 1990
97 of 98
Final dismantling of the Berlin Wall
November 1991
98 of 98
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Potsdam Conference
July 1945
Card 3
FDJ set up (Communist Free German Youth)

Card 4
The Law for the Democratisation of German Schools

Card 5
SED formed in East Germany (merger between SPD and KDP)

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