Germany 1918-1945 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryDevelopment of a Dictatorship 1918-1945IGCSEAQA Created by: katieeshaawCreated on: 30-12-14 17:00 What happened in Germany in October 1918? Soldiers and sailors united against the government. A general strike occured. 1 of 25 What did the SDP threaten to do? To join in with the strike, unless Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated. 2 of 25 What were some aspects of the Weimar Constitution? States were allowed to have a say in politics, all Germans were given equal rights, Article 48 was created. 3 of 25 What was the worst Treaty facet for Germany? That they had to pay 6.6 billion pounds for war reperations - in debt. 4 of 25 What is the 'stab in the back' myth? The Government told German soldiers that they were winning, in order for them to retreat and end the war. 5 of 25 What happened in the spartacist uprising of 1919? Spartacists captured Government HQ and attacked SDP, Freikorps recaptured it and killed hundreds of communists within spartacists. 6 of 25 Who lead the Kapp Putsch in 1920? Wolfgang Kapp. 7 of 25 What was the outcome of the Putsch? The government fled Berlin, workers went on a strike and Freikorps were free to kill communists. 8 of 25 Why did the French occupy the Ruhr in 1923? Because Germany were in debt and so the money that was printed was worthless. 9 of 25 Who suffered most from Hyperinflation and why? The poor citizens. Prices increased, wages decreased & businesses were destroyed. 10 of 25 Name the new currency, brought out by Stresseman. Rentenmark 11 of 25 What was so great about Stresseman's achievements? Got G back into league of nations, helped them finiancially with USA 12 of 25 Name the plan enabling G to pay less reperations each year. The Young Plan 13 of 25 What pact was made in 1928? The Kellog-Briand pact, settle disputes and not go to war again. 14 of 25 What did Hitler do in Munich in 1923? Hijacked a government meeting and forced members to help him overthrow the government. 15 of 25 What did Hitler do in Munich in 1923? Marched into Munich to attempt a putsch. 16 of 25 What year was the Nazi Party re launched? 1925 17 of 25 Why was Germany drawn to economic depression? G repay USA for rep loans, Businesses were closed, Chancellor raised taxes and cut wages to avoid debt. 18 of 25 Name some Nazi methods for support in Reichstag. Promised to fix economy, gave support to the army, gave people hope when they needed it most 19 of 25 Who helped Hitler become Chancellor? Von Papen 20 of 25 Who was blamed for starting the Reichstag fire? Van Der Lubbe, a communist 21 of 25 How did Hitler look like a hero? Saddened by fire, blamed communists, gained popularity. 22 of 25 Define the Enabling Act. A legal foundation for dictatorship 23 of 25 What did Hitler allow the Nazis to do through the Enabling Act? Banned communists from Reichstag, banned trade unions, Nazis allied with National party, controlled state parliaments 24 of 25 Give some factors of how Hitler became Dictator in 1934. President Hindenburgs death. Enabling Act. Banned SDP from Reichstag, and all communists. 25 of 25
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