Germany after WW1

Economic Impacts of WW1
State spending 1/3 of budget on pensions by 1925, national income 1/3 of what it was in 1913 and industrial production 2/3 of what it was in 1913
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Political Impacts of WW1
Socialist revolution in Oct-Nov 1918, abdiction of the Kaiser and ex-soldiers believed Hindenburg had been betrayed by weak politicians
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Who was Hindenburg?
President of Germany
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Why were people suspicious of the new democratic system?
Believed the Kaiser & dictatoriship brought order
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Social Impacts of WW1
Big difference between rich and poor, working women seen as untraditional and starving people looting in street
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What was the Stab-In-The-Back myth?
Belief that Ebert betrayed Germany by surrendering in WW1
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Why did Ebert surrender?
Germany was unstable and he needed the army to keep country under control
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Who was Ebert?
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Who were the Spartacists?
Communists (left wing) led by Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht
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What did the Spartacists try to do in 1919?
Spartcist uprising to overthrow Germany
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Who did Ebert get to fight the Spartacists?
The Freikorps
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Who were the Freikorps?
Right wing and ex-soldiers
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What happened to Luxebourg and Liebknecht?
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When were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles announced?
28th June 1919
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What happened to the Rhine Land between Germany & France?
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What were the German colonies controlled by?
League of Nations (France & Britain)
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What did the treaty forbid Germany to do?
Join with Austria (former ally)
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How many men was the army limited to?
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What were Germany not allowed to use?
Submarines & aircraft
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How many boats could the Navy build?
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What couldn't Germany join?
League of Nations
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What was the guilt clause?
Germany blamed for starting the war
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What was Germany forced to pay?
Reparations of £6,600 million
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What percentage of industry did Germany lose?
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Why did the right wing oppose Ebert's government?
Believed that dictatorship resulted in strong army
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What did the right wing want?
Germany to expand territory & create empire
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Who led a rebellion in March 1920?
Dr Wolfgang Kapp
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What was the rebellion in March 1920 called?
Kapp Putsch
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How many Freikorps were led into Berlin?
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Why did the army refuse to fight the Freikorps?
They were ex-soldiers
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Who saved Ebert's government?
Industrial workers of Berlin
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Why was Berlin brought to a halt in 1920?
Workers declared general strike
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Political Impacts of WW1


Socialist revolution in Oct-Nov 1918, abdiction of the Kaiser and ex-soldiers believed Hindenburg had been betrayed by weak politicians

Card 3


Who was Hindenburg?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why were people suspicious of the new democratic system?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Social Impacts of WW1


Preview of the front of card 5
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