A group of states brought together under general national rule (individual states do have jurisdiction on most things)
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Giving up power as a monarch; resigning control
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An agreement made by opposing sides to stop fighting for a certain time
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Compensation for damage done during a war, paid by the defeated side to the victors
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A set of established principles which clearly show how a state is to be governed
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Proportional Representation
A voting system in which the percentage of the overall vote determines the number of seats a party gets
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The German Parliament from Weimar to the Nazis - the law making chamber
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The local representatives' chamber in Parliament from Weimar to the Nazis
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A government official - head of the German government
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The elected head of a republican state (German president elected every 7 years)
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A political party in Russia which turned into the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, led by Lenin and Bogdanov
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A private army consisting of ex-soldiers, unemployed youths and was led by ex-officers. First formed in 1918
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Article 48
The Article in the Weimar Constitution that allowed the President to suspend the Reichstag in the emergency and rule by decree
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November Criminals
First used as a term to name those who had negotiated the armistice and the ToV
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A German term meaning 'leader'. Hitler chose this to show his command over Germany
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An attempt to overthrow a government by force
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A vote on a single issue by all eligible to vote (like the vote on Hitler becoming Fuhrer)
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The 'people's community', a racially united body where people were expected to obey and make sacrifices to Nazi Germany
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'Leadership principle' - one person at each level of power who was completely in charge and responsible for those on their level
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Concentration camps
Prison camps first set up in 1933 for political opponents, then used for 'undesirables'
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The Nazi Home Guard formed in 1944 as a last-ditch attempt to ward off invasion. All, even women, boys and those physically unfit, were recruited.
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'Living space' - land taken from other countries to provide for Germany
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To be forced to conform to German culture - in terms of the Nazis this meant moving non-Germans out for Germans
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Free Market Economy
An economy where the government does not interfere in the policies of businesses to control the economy, including prices and wages
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Making concessions in order to satisfy an aggressor
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A military government is put in place in order to restore order and to bring things in line with a central German authority
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This is when prices rise and so the purchasing power of money goes down. This affects savers and workers, especially as wages and interest rates on savings seldom keep pace with inflation once it has started to spiral upwards
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European Monetary System
An arrangement between EEC members that linked their currencies, stabilising the exchange rate between them so making trade between them fairer to all
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European Economic Community (EEC)
An organisation of European countries set up in 1957 to promote free trade and economic cooperation. Its original members were West Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands
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Keeping prices low by reducing government spending
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Devaluing a currency
Reducing the value of a currency against another (usually the US dollar). This makes goods from the devaluing country more attractive to others because they cost less