Germany 1918-39 fact test
- Created by: EllaBella888
- Created on: 23-12-16 22:58
A term used to describe the politicians who agreed to surrender on 11th November 1918
November criminals
1 of 175
A phrase used to describe the German army's surrender
Stab in the back (Dolchstoss)
2 of 175
Date of the Treaty of Versailles
June 28th 1919
3 of 175
Article of the treaty that gave Germany full blame for the war
4 of 175
The reduced size of the German army
5 of 175
Industrial regions returned to France
6 of 175
The Rhineland was demilitarised for how many years?
7 of 175
3 extremist groups who opposed the Weimar Republic
Nationalists, Nazis, Communists (K.P.D)
8 of 175
Reparations figure announced in 1921
£6.6 billion
9 of 175
Disastrous financial situation triggered by this announcement
10 of 175
One group who benefited from the financial situation
11 of 175
What caused the French invasion of the Ruhr?
German failure to pay second instalments of reparations
12 of 175
Month and year of the invasion
January 1923
13 of 175
What action did the German government order the Ruhr workers to take?
Passive resistance
14 of 175
How did the German government attempt to pay these workers?
Print more money
15 of 175
What did this intensify?
16 of 175
Number of Germans killed during the French occupation
17 of 175
Which order from Stresemann about the Ruhr Crisis appalled patriotic Germans?
Called off passive resistance
18 of 175
Such unpopularity undermined the Weimar Governments c... (1 word, 11 letters)
19 of 175
Which two parties violently criticised Stresemann's surrender?
Nazis and Nationalists
20 of 175
Italian fascist whose 1922 march on Rome inspired Hitler
21 of 175
Hitler felt he could rely on which WW1 hero if he attempted a putsch against the Weimar Republic?
22 of 175
Von Kahr was the P.M of which regional government?
Bavaria (Bayern)
23 of 175
Why did Hitler believe he could count on Von Kahr?
Shared right wing political views
24 of 175
Two cities that were the focus of Hitler's intended Putsch
25 of 175
English name for putsch
26 of 175
Date of putsch
November 8th-9th 1923
27 of 175
How did Von Kahr betray Hitler?
Informed national government in Berlin
28 of 175
Number of Nazis who marched through Berlin
29 of 175
Number of Nazis killed?
30 of 175
Prison where Hitler was sent
Landsberg Castle
31 of 175
Length of Hitler's sentence?
5 years
32 of 175
Time actually served?
9 months
33 of 175
Nazi who tried to replace Hitler while he was in prison?
Gregor Strasser
34 of 175
Length of Hitler's trial
24 days
35 of 175
Hitler's autobiography
Mein Kampf
36 of 175
Hitler's new strategy on release from prison
Legal or democratic approach
37 of 175
Give the dates of the 'Golden Age'
38 of 175
Who was the most influential German politician during this period of recovery?
Gustav Stresemann
39 of 175
Who was the new finance minister?
Hans Luther
40 of 175
The new currency he introduced
41 of 175
The French now withdrew from which region?
42 of 175
Year of the Dawes Plan
43 of 175
Amount borrowed from the USA
$800 million
44 of 175
Number of new homes constructed
3 million
45 of 175
Name given to the new manufactoring techniques in factories
Mass production
46 of 175
Productivity increased by what amount?
47 of 175
Year of the Young Plan
48 of 175
Reparations where reduced by what percentage?
49 of 175
The deadline for final reparations payments was extended by?
58 years
50 of 175
International agreement of 1925
Locarno Pact
51 of 175
International agreement of 1928
Kellogg-Briand Pact
52 of 175
Organisation joined by Germany in 1926 and left in 1933
League of Nations
53 of 175
How many seats did the Nazis have in the Reichstag in 1928?
54 of 175
Date of the Wall Street Crash
24th October 1929
55 of 175
Share values lost
$26 billion
56 of 175
Amount borrowed via the Dawes Plan of 1924
$800 million
57 of 175
Year when farming prices began to fall
58 of 175
% of factory workers laid off
59 of 175
Peak of German unemployed in 1932
6 million
60 of 175
% of University graduates unable to find employment
61 of 175
The German government feared a return of this financial nightmare
62 of 175
2 groups who feared the communists
Businessmen and the Middle Classes
63 of 175
One of Hitler's promises
Make Germany 'great' again
64 of 175
Another of Hitler's promises
Revive the economy (e.g. end unemployment)
65 of 175
Ministry created by Goebbels in 1933
Ministry for peoples enlightenment and propoganda
66 of 175
2 propoganda methods
Mass rallies and Torchlight parades
67 of 175
4 more propoganda methods
Radio, Newspaper, Films and Posters
68 of 175
Type of propoganda targeting specific groups
69 of 175
4 examples of groups targeted
Unemployed, ex-soldiers, women, middle classes
70 of 175
Date when Hindenburg appointed Hitler as chancellor
January 1933
71 of 175
Nazi drop in votes (%) between July and November 1932
37.4% to 33.1%
72 of 175
% of votes needed to pass laws
73 of 175
% of votes needed to change the constitution
74 of 175
Date of the Reichstag fire
February 27th 1933
75 of 175
Dutch communist allegedly responsible
Marinus Van Der Lubbe
76 of 175
Hindenburg allowed Hitler to rule using which legal weapon
Emergency decree
77 of 175
Number of communists arrested using the Emergency decree
78 of 175
Hitler formed a coalition with which party in order to pass the Enabling Act?
Catholic Centre Party
79 of 175
This marked the end of --- and the beginning of ---
Democracy, Dictatorship
80 of 175
What were banned in May 1933
Trade Unions
81 of 175
What were banned in July 1933
Other political parties
82 of 175
Germany was now a
One party state
83 of 175
The S.A (Brownshirt) leader who hoped to introduce more left wing policies to Nazism
Ernst Rohm
84 of 175
Date of the 'Night of the Long Knives'
June 30th 1934
85 of 175
Whose loyalty was Hitler trying to gain through this purge?
Regular army
86 of 175
Number of SA leaders eliminated
87 of 175
2 event of Aug 1934 which further consolidated Hitler's position
Death of Hindenburg and the Army oath of loyalty
88 of 175
Germany had become a (two words)
Totalitarian State
89 of 175
Nazi terror organisation set up in 1925
S.S (Protection Squad)
90 of 175
Nickname for this group
91 of 175
Its leader
Heinrich Himmler
92 of 175
3 methods used by this organisation to consolidate the Nazi regime's power
Arrest without trial, search homes, confiscate property
93 of 175
Non-uniformed Nazi terror organisation
Gestapo (secret police)
94 of 175
Methods used by this organisation
Spies, informers, torture
95 of 175
This new legal body replaced the regular courts
People's court
96 of 175
Number of death sentences between 1934-39
97 of 175
First concentration camp
98 of 175
% of Germans with radios
99 of 175
Notorious propoganda film released in 1937
The Eternal Jew
100 of 175
2 groups criticised for being anti-German in this film
Jews and communists
101 of 175
% by which the working day was increased by the nazis
102 of 175
Nazi organisation, led by Robert Ley, that replaced trade unions
German Labour Front (D.A.F)
103 of 175
Section of number 16 which organised leisure activities for workers such as holidays, concerts and keep fit clubs
Strength through joy
104 of 175
Number of unemployed by 1939 from 1932
0.2 million down from 6 million
105 of 175
2 ways in which employment was cut
Conscription and public works
106 of 175
Main reason why Hitler targeted the youth of Germany
The 1000 year reich
107 of 175
Second reason
Social Darwinism (Indoctrination)
108 of 175
Person in charge of youth policy
Baldur von Schirach
109 of 175
Youth group created for 14-18 year old boys
Hitler youth
110 of 175
German name for this group
Hitler Jugend
111 of 175
Two activities of this group (boys)
Military training and driving cars
112 of 175
Two more activities of the group (boys)
Shoot pistols and fly gliders
113 of 175
Year in which membership became compulsary
114 of 175
Of the 10 million possible members, how many had joined by 1938?
7 million
115 of 175
Girls equivalent of the boys organisation
League of German maidens
116 of 175
2 activities for girls
Fitness and childcare
117 of 175
2 more activities for girls
womanhood and natural appearance
118 of 175
Reason why physical fitness was emphasised so heavily for girls
Healthy children=healthy soldiers
119 of 175
Education aimed to ---- the German youth (1 word)
120 of 175
Biology lessons focused on
Racial purity and breeding
121 of 175
3 new school subjects
Race study, party beliefs, eugenics
122 of 175
Year of the burning of the books
123 of 175
3 anti-Nazi youth gangs
Swing Kids, Raving Dudes, Edelweiss Pirates
124 of 175
2 anti-Nazi activities of these groups during WW2
Graffiti and leaflets
125 of 175
2 more activities of the anti-Nazi groups
Helping shot down allied aircrew return home and attacking the Hitler Youth
126 of 175
Role of men in Nazi Germany
127 of 175
Role of women
support men and raise racially pure children
128 of 175
German for 'Children, Church, Kitchen'
Kinder, Kirche, Kuche
129 of 175
4 expectations of mother's lifestyles
Lots of children, exercise, domestic role, obey husband
130 of 175
What was Hitlers view on the status of women
'Different but equal'
131 of 175
2 countries with a higher birth rate than Germany
Poland and Russia
132 of 175
European country that had already introduced rewards for having more children
133 of 175
Germany's birth rate in 1900
2 million births
134 of 175
Germany's birth rate by 1933
under 1 million births
135 of 175
2nd reason (apart from the birth rate) why women were targeted
1000 year reich
136 of 175
Nazi baby farms
137 of 175
Amoant of the loan a woman might recieve for birthing children
1000 marks
138 of 175
Number of women who applied for the loans
139 of 175
Different grades of the 'Mothers cross'
Bronze (4), Silver (6), Gold (8)
140 of 175
4 types of women sterilised
Epileptics, Blind, Deaf, Alcoholics
141 of 175
% increase in the birth rate by 1936
142 of 175
4 professions which the women were banned from
Doctors, Teachers, Civil Servants, Lawyers
143 of 175
Nazi organisation for women
Faith and Beauty
144 of 175
Change in policy towards women in WW2
Women encouraged to work
145 of 175
Examples of pressures on women in WW2
Intensive bombing and 6 million German casualties
146 of 175
Theory of the 'Survival of the fittest'
Social Darwinism
147 of 175
2 names for the supposed 'Master Race'
Aryan and Nordic
148 of 175
German for the 'Master Race'
149 of 175
Name for the 'National Community'
150 of 175
German name for 'inferior people' or 'sub-humans'
151 of 175
Global Jewish plot
International Jewish Conspiracy
152 of 175
1937 film depicting this plot
The Eternal Jew
153 of 175
What Hitler called the Weimar Republic
The Jew Republic
154 of 175
2 examples of the Jewish plot in Germany
Defeat in WW1 and the Treaty of Versailles
155 of 175
2 more examples of the Jewish plot
Dawes Plan and the Wall Street crash
156 of 175
3 groups that were targeted as well as Jews
Gypsies, Insane, Tramps + beggars
157 of 175
3 more groups targeted
Slavs, Homosexuals, Alcoholics
158 of 175
Anti-Semitic action of April 1933
Boycott of Jewish Shops
159 of 175
2 Laws of September 1935
Nuremberg Laws, Reich Citizenship Law
160 of 175
Englsih and German terms for the events of Nov 9th and 10th 1938
Night of the broken glass, Krisallnacht
161 of 175
Whose assassination in Paris triggered these events?
Ernst Von Rath
162 of 175
Human and physical damage caused
91 killed, 30,000 sent to concentration camps, 400 synagogues + 7500 businesses destroyed
163 of 175
Possible years when the 'Final Solution' was decided upon
164 of 175
S.S units that carried out the killings
165 of 175
2 names for this for this phase of extermination
Holocaust and Genocide
166 of 175
2 groups that supported the Nazis
Businessmen and Unemployed
167 of 175
4 more groups that supported the Nazis
Patriotic Germans, Farmers, some women, some young people
168 of 175
Propoganda minister
169 of 175
Term used to describe the deliberate blocking of anti-Nazi views
170 of 175
2 left wing groups that never united against the Nazis
Social Democrats and Communists
171 of 175
Left wing underground resistance groups
Red Orchestra
172 of 175
Munich based student opposition movement
White rose
173 of 175
Nazi policy condemned by the Catholic Cardinal Galen
174 of 175
Niemoller's 'disloyal' protestant church organisation
Confessional church
175 of 175
Other cards in this set
Card 2
A phrase used to describe the German army's surrender
Stab in the back (Dolchstoss)
Card 3
Date of the Treaty of Versailles

Card 4
Article of the treaty that gave Germany full blame for the war

Card 5
The reduced size of the German army

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