German Political Development Key Dates 1871-1989 1.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryThe rise of Germany from 1871The rise of Germany 1871 – 1945A2/A-levelWJEC Created by: MeganBatkinCreated on: 05-06-18 11:15 Unification 1971 1 of 25 Kulturkampf 1871 2 of 25 Anti-Socialist Laws 1878 3 of 25 SPD have 12 seats in Reichstag 1878 4 of 25 Sick Pay Introduced 1883 5 of 25 Accident Insurance Introduced 1884 6 of 25 Old Aged Pension Introduced 1889 7 of 25 Bismarck Dismissed 1890 8 of 25 WWI Begins 1914 9 of 25 Ludendorff and Hindenburg Abdicate 1917 10 of 25 Weimar Republic Established 1918 11 of 25 Treaty of Versailles Signed 1919 12 of 25 Nazis win 107 Seats in Election 1930 13 of 25 Hitler Becomes Chancellor 1933 14 of 25 Enabling Act Passed & Reichstag Abolished 1933 15 of 25 WWII Begins 1939 16 of 25 Bomb Plot 1944 17 of 25 WWII Ends; Hitler Commits Suicide 1945 18 of 25 Germany Divided Into 4 1945 19 of 25 Deutschmark Introduced & Blockade Begins 1948 20 of 25 FRG Established & Blockade Ends 1949 21 of 25 FRG Joins NATO 1955 22 of 25 Berlin Wall Built 1961 23 of 25 Berlin Wall Removed 1989 24 of 25 Reunification 1990 25 of 25
How far did the political system successfully overcome the key divisions facing Germany in 1871? 0.0 / 5
To what extent did the Reichstag impact on German regional and social divisions between 1871 and 1879? 0.0 / 5
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