German Vocab quiz AS level 4 media based hope it helps 1.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? GermanASAll boards Created by: Chloe ThornCreated on: 05-10-11 20:53 Die leistung the performance 1 of 27 die gewohnheit habit 2 of 27 Die Angebort offer 3 of 27 gewaltta(.. on the a)tig violent 4 of 27 verharmlosen play down 5 of 27 objektiv unbiased/ not prejudice 6 of 27 subjektiv biased/ prejudiced 7 of 27 verherrlichen glorify 8 of 27 der auslandsbericht foreign reporting 9 of 27 die schrift the writing 10 of 27 sogen annte so called 11 of 27 gleich berechtigt equal 12 of 27 nuertbehrliche necessary 13 of 27 einschra(..)nken verb restrict 14 of 27 verbreiten spread as in a rumor 15 of 27 erfarhen verb to learn 16 of 27 Bereich your area of work 17 of 27 u..ber pru..fen verb check 18 of 27 der zugang access 19 of 27 verwirrend confusing 20 of 27 gu..nstiger cheap/ good value 21 of 27 die lebens mittel food and water 22 of 27 gewu..nschte desired 23 of 27 reizvoll attractive 24 of 27 u..berall everywhere 25 of 27 in der lage sein to be in the position 26 of 27 verb belong 27 of 27