German vocab - problems 0.0 / 5 ? GermanGrammar and vocabularyGCSEAQA Created by: Sophie :)Created on: 06-05-13 18:32 Krankenwagen Ambulance 1 of 20 Konto Bank account 2 of 20 Chef Boss 3 of 20 Panne Breakdown 4 of 20 kaputt broken 5 of 20 wechselgeld change 6 of 20 kundendienst customer service 7 of 20 schaden damage 8 of 20 wechselkurs exchange rate 9 of 20 formular form 10 of 20 Krankenhaus hospital 11 of 20 personalausweis identity card 12 of 20 krank ill 13 of 20 krankheit illness 14 of 20 fundburo lost property office 15 of 20 fehler mistake 16 of 20 larm noise 17 of 20 schade shame 18 of 20 polizeiwache police station 19 of 20 polizist policeman 20 of 20
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