german vocab #4 clues in geman, answers in english :) 0.0 / 5 ? GermanGrammar and vocabularyGCSEAQA Created by: Sophie :)Created on: 28-04-13 19:52 anrufbeantworter answering machine 1 of 17 notwendig important 2 of 17 lebenslauf CV 3 of 17 bewerbung application 4 of 17 bildung training 5 of 17 eintritt entrance 6 of 17 gelegenheiten opportunities 7 of 17 unfall accident 8 of 17 benutzungsgebuhr usage fee 9 of 17 schulabluss school leaving certificate 10 of 17 arbeitslos umemployed 11 of 17 lehrstelle apprenticeship 12 of 17 konto bank account 13 of 17 moglichkeiten possibility 14 of 17 freizeitaktivitaten free time activities 15 of 17 hallenbad indoor pool 16 of 17 freibad outdoor pool 17 of 17