German School General 1.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? GermanWork and educationGCSEAQA Created by: BethCreated on: 14-03-13 20:27 work experience Arbeitspraktikum 1 of 12 exchange Austausch 2 of 12 subject Fach 3 of 12 exam/test Klassenarbeit 4 of 12 school trip Klassenfahrt 5 of 12 grade/mark Note 6 of 12 school rules Schulordnung 7 of 12 term Semester 8 of 12 timetable Stundenplan 9 of 12 assembly Versammlung 10 of 12 option Wahlfach 11 of 12 board Tafel 12 of 12
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