German Vocab Crossword Crossword for vocabularly 0.0 / 5 ? GermanUmweltverschmutzungEnergieversorgungUmweltschutzA2/A-levelCCEA Created by: Sleepwalking_Created on: 11-01-16 20:55 considerable erheblich 1 of 25 refuse dump (die) Müllkippe 2 of 25 rainforest (der) Urwald 3 of 25 to set up/establish errichten 4 of 25 to produce herstellen 5 of 25 to destroy zerstören 6 of 25 einheimisch local 7 of 25 engine (der) Antrieb 8 of 25 habit (die) Gewohnheit 9 of 25 to use fully auslasten 10 of 25 to do without verzichten auf 11 of 25 instead stattdessen 12 of 25 essential wesentlich 13 of 25 nuclear power station (das) Atomkraftwerk 14 of 25 energy supply (die) Energieversorgung 15 of 25 waste disposal (die) Entsorgung 16 of 25 livelihood (das) Lebensunterhalt 17 of 25 to quit/get out of aus aussteigen 18 of 25 to prove beweisen 19 of 25 to deliver liefern 20 of 25 sustainable nachhaltig 21 of 25 incentive (der) Anreiz 22 of 25 energy consumption (der) Energieverbrauch 23 of 25 energy habit (das) Energieverhalten 24 of 25 electricity bill (die) Stromrechnung 25 of 25
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