German Nationalism Key Dates
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- Created by: ReyaM
- Created on: 03-06-18 12:39
When did the War of the First Coalition begin?
1 of 61
When did France occupy the Rhineland?
2 of 61
What happened in 1806?
-HRE dissolved, Rheinbund created, Continental System
3 of 61
When was the Treaty of Tilsit?
1807 - Prussia partitioned, loses half her population
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When did the War of Liberation begin?
1813 - Battle of Leipzig
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When was the Congress of Vienna?
1815: Creation of Deutscher Bund, Prussia cedes Rhineland
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What happened in 1817?
Wartburg Festival: 500 students
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When was the First Prussian Tariff Law?
1818 - rudimentary customs union
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What did Metternich instate in 1819?
Carlsbad Decrees
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What Congress occurred in 1820?
Congress of Troppau: Holy Alliance would crush revolution
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What happened in 1832?
Hambach Festival: 500,000 turn up
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When was the Zollverein created?
1834: Prussia's economic dominance strengthened
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When was the Rhine war scare?
1840: France threatens to invade - provokes nationalism
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When was Metternich deposed?
13th March 1848
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When was the Frankfurt Parliament elected
1st May 1848
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When did the Frankfurt Parliament disperse?
June 1849
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When was the Erfurt Union created?
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What happened in 1850?
Capitulation of Olmutz
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When was the Dresden Conference?
1851: German Confederation restored
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What reforms happened in the 1850's?
Manteuffel reforms - censorship ended, free trade pursued
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When was the Crimean War?
1853-1856 - Prussia remains neutral, Austria & Russia at war
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What happened in 1859?
Austria loses Lombardy to Italy, Prussia fails to mobilise
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When was Bismarck appointed as minister-president?
1862: Bypasses Reichstag to govern Prussia
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When was the Polish uprising?
1863: Put down by Prussia and Austria
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When was the second Schleswig-Holstein War?
1864 - Denmark defeated by Prussia and Austria
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When was the Gastein Convention?
1865 - Prussia gets Holstein, Austria gets Schleswig
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When was the Austro-Prussian War?
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When was the Luxembourg Crisis?
1867 - Bismarck: Prussia not ready for war with France yet
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When was the Hohenzollern Candidature?
1870, alongside the Ems Telegram
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When did France declare war?
1870 - defeated same year at Sedan
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What happened in 1871?
War with France ends - Proclamation of new Germany
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When did Bismarck pursue Kulturkampf?
From 1872-1878
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When was the Dreikaiserbund created?
1873 - Austria, Prussia and Russia
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When did Weltpolitik begin?
1884 - Germany acquires Namibia, Togo & Cameroon
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When was the Reinsurance Treaty signed with Russia?
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When did Wilhelm II ascend to the throne?
After the death of his father and Friedrich III in 1888
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When did Bismarck resign?
1890 - replaced by Caprivi
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When was the New Course?
Began in 1891 protectionism reduced, state socialism instated
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When was the Schlieffen Plan created?
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When did Caprivi resign and why?
1894: Wilhelm wanted anti-socialist laws, Caprivi refused
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When was the First Naval Law passed?
1898 - 16 new battleships in 3 years
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What year did Bulow replace Hohenlohe?
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What happened at the 1903 election?
Defeat for conservatives, victory for socialists
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When was the First Moroccan Crisis?
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When was the Hottentot election?
1907: right wing gain seats, Bulow forms bloc in Reichstag
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When was the Daily Telegraph Affair?
1908: Wilhelm = pro-British, Germany supports Austria
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When did Bulow resign?
1909 - replaced by Bethmann-Holwegg, Bosnian ultimatum
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When was the Second Moroccan Crisis?
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What happened in 1912?
Socialists largest party, Balkan Wars
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When was Zabern?
50 of 61
When did Russia begin to mobilise?
51 of 61
When was Burgfriede agreed?
52 of 61
What happened at Verdun in 1916?
German attack fails
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When did the 'Turnip Winter' begin?
54 of 61
In 1917, who dismissed Bethmann?
Hindenburg and Ludendorff (effective military dictatorship)
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When was the Russian Revolution?
56 of 61
When was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?
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When the Kaiser abdicated in 1818, who replaced him?
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What was the uprising in 1919?
The Spartakist revolt - crushed by Freikorps
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When was the Treaty of Versailles?
28 Jun 1919 – 21 Jan 1920
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What was established in 1919?
The Weimar Republic
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
When did France occupy the Rhineland?
Card 3
-HRE dissolved, Rheinbund created, Continental System

Card 4
1807 - Prussia partitioned, loses half her population

Card 5
1813 - Battle of Leipzig

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