German events from 1932 to 1933 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryDictatorship in Nazi GermanyGCSEEdexcel Created by: Jared HindleyCreated on: 01-06-16 14:40 When did Hitler first stand for election as President? March 1932 1 of 15 Why did people start to vote for more extreme right and left wing parties? Wall Street Crash 2 of 15 How many votes did Hitler get in 1932? 11 Million 3 of 15 Was he elected? Yes 4 of 15 why did there have to be another election? no candidate achieved 50% of the vote 5 of 15 How did Bruning try and calm unrest and the Nazi's in April 1932? Banned the ** and SA 6 of 15 how did von Schleicher remove Bruning formed a coalition with right wing parties, persuaded Hindenburg they had a majority and he sacked Bruning. 7 of 15 now von schleicher controlled the government who did he appoint as the figurehead Von Papen 8 of 15 what the Von Schleicher offer the NSDAP? a place in coalition with them 9 of 15 what was von Papen's and Von Schleicher's coalition like with Hitler? Weak 10 of 15 why did Von Papen resign? he lost the support of Hitler and they were the largest party still. 11 of 15 what happened after Von Papen resigned? Hindenburg appointed Von Schleicher chancellor 12 of 15 why did Von Schleicher leave? his plan to be head of a military dictatorship leaked and coupled with the majority of the Nazi Party he could not get support. 13 of 15 How did Hitler come into power? Von Papen told Hindenburg that Hitler could be the Chancellor with himself as the vice and make the decisions 14 of 15 what date did Hitler become chancellor? 30 Jan 1933 15 of 15
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