German Adjectives All adjectives are in predicative form. 0.0 / 5 ? GermanGrammar and vocabularyGCSENone Created by: SnowylambCreated on: 28-05-18 12:23 leicht light 1 of 52 frei free 2 of 52 schwer heavy 3 of 52 laut loud 4 of 52 furchtbar terrible 5 of 52 hilfsbereit helpful 6 of 52 geduldig paitient 7 of 52 ärgerlich annoying 8 of 52 schüchtern shy 9 of 52 stark strong 10 of 52 großzügig generous 11 of 52 ausgezeichnet excellent 12 of 52 traurig sad 13 of 52 kompliziert complicated 14 of 52 schrecklich awful 15 of 52 ungeduldig impaitient 16 of 52 selbstbewusst self-confident 17 of 52 nützlich useful 18 of 52 normal normal 19 of 52 egoistisch selfish 20 of 52 ehrlich honest 21 of 52 fantastisch fantastic 22 of 52 entspannend relaxing 23 of 52 ernst serious 24 of 52 zuverlässig reliable 25 of 52 schwach weak 26 of 52 freundlich friendly 27 of 52 interessant interesting 28 of 52 spannend exciting 29 of 52 lebhaft lively 30 of 52 teuer expensive 31 of 52 billig cheap 32 of 52 peinlich embarassing 33 of 52 nutzlos useless 34 of 52 praktisch practical 35 of 52 langweilig boring 36 of 52 lustig funny 37 of 52 schön lovely 38 of 52 gemein mean 39 of 52 wichtig important 40 of 52 blöd stupid 41 of 52 gefährlich dangerous 42 of 52 sicher safe 43 of 52 kalt cold 44 of 52 heiß hot 45 of 52 lecker tasty 46 of 52 geschmacklos tasteless 47 of 52 ekelhaft disgusting 48 of 52 beliebt popular 49 of 52 berühmt famous 50 of 52 einfach easy 51 of 52 nett nice 52 of 52
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