Geography - World Map 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? FunFunNone Created by: Sacha FlintCreated on: 10-04-13 10:29 What river is located in North America? Missippi 1 of 10 What desert is located in North Africa? Sahara Desert 2 of 10 What famous mountain range is located in Asia? Himalaya 3 of 10 What ocean is located between Madagascar, west Australia and India? Indian Ocean 4 of 10 What continent is Australia part of? Australasia 5 of 10 What continent is India part of? Asia 6 of 10 What continent is the UK part of? Europe 7 of 10 What continent is Madagascar part of? Africa 8 of 10 What continent is the Amazon Rain forest part of? South America 9 of 10 What continent is Canada part of? North America 10 of 10
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