Geography Theme 1 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyPopulation changeGCSEWJEC Created by: chantasCreated on: 06-01-14 15:45 Urbanisation An Increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas compared to rural 1 of 7 Greenfield Site A site that has not been built on before. Often rural areas. 2 of 7 Brownfield Site A site that has been built on before and ready for re-development. 3 of 7 Shanty Town An informal, spontaneous settlement often built illegally on unused land. 4 of 7 Favela A brazilian term for an informal shanty-type settlement 5 of 7 Sustainability Development that preserves future resources, and the needs of future generations 6 of 7 Counter- urbanisation The movement of people out of cities, to the surronding areas. 7 of 7
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