A flood is a body of water which rises to overflow land not normally submerged by water.
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What is a resource?
A resource is provided by nature and we need to use them for life and work e.g. water,air,food and wood.
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What is a renewable resource?
A renewable resource may be used over and over again. They never run out, e.g. water,wind,sun. These resources are sustainable.
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What is a non renewable resource?
A non renewable resource may be used once. They will eventually run out e.g. coal, oil, gas.
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What is a fossil fuel?
A fossil fuel is a source of energy which are made from the remains of dead plants and animals.
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What is sustainable energy?
Sustainable energy means that the people are able to meet their needs today without damaging the environment for future generations.
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What does green electricity mean?
Green electricity means it does not harm the environment. It is produced by renewable resources.
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Characheristics of the upper course of a river?
Fastest flow, Waters shallow, Valley is deep and narrow, Slope of the river is steep, Load is large and angular, V shaped in cross section
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Characteristics of the middle course of a river?
Meanders,Ox-Bow lakes form, Load is smaller and more rounded, Bed of river is gently sloping, water is deeper- tributaries have joined, rivers channel is wider,
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Cahracteristics of the lower course of a river?
Levees are formed, i.e. high banks on either side of the river,river is wide/deep, load is small and less rounded, braiding- deposited materila found in centre of rivers. Looks like Islands.
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Card 2
What is a resource?
A resource is provided by nature and we need to use them for life and work e.g. water,air,food and wood.
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