Geography key words for population key words and meanings for the population topic 2.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? GeographyPopulation changeGCSEAQA Created by: Thegirlwhoknewtoomuch - Team GRCreated on: 02-08-12 18:33 natural increase a way of measuring population growth (birth rate - death rate) 1 of 17 birth rate number of live babies born per 1000 2 of 17 demographic transition model shows the relationship between birth and death rates, natural increase and the effect on the population growth rate and the wealth of a country. 3 of 17 factors influencing birth rates levels of contraception avalible, amount of farm labour needed, urbanisation 4 of 17 factors influencing death rates levels of healthcare (basic/advanced), understanding of healthy diets 5 of 17 narrowing population pyramid with wide base indicates high birth rate and a short life expectancy dtm stage 2 6 of 17 population pyramid with narrow base and wide top low birth rate and long life expectancy, ageing population dtm stage 4 7 of 17 one child policy chinas solution to slow their population growth rate in 1979. 8 of 17 features of one child policy only one child, musn't marry until late 20's, must be sterilised after first child 9 of 17 benifits of one child policy for those who obey 10% salary rise, free education, healthcare and subsidised childcare 10 of 17 disadvantages for those who didn't obey 10% salary drop, fines, pay for education and healthcare 11 of 17 solutions for ageing population raise retirement age, encorage people to save for retirement, cuts in other areas (education) 12 of 17 example of a stage 5 dtm germany 13 of 17 immigrant a person who comes into a country to live and work 14 of 17 emigrant a person who leaves his/her home counrty for another 15 of 17 push factors for migrating from a country poor healthcare, poverty, war, natural hazards, unemployment, poor wages 16 of 17 pull factors for migrating to a country better healthcare, better housing, stable government, more jobs, better wages 17 of 17
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