Geography Key Words 2.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? GeographyASEdexcel Created by: Person123Created on: 16-01-13 15:45 Constructing and promoting a positive image of an area. Reimage 1 of 13 Data that has a value and can be quantified. Quantitative 2 of 13 The demolition of old infrastructure and the building of new infrastructure in an area. Redevelopment 3 of 13 Starts with a small groups idea and grows as more powerful players get involved. Bottom up rebranding 4 of 13 The physical redevelopment of landscapes with the intention of promoting economic development. Regenerate 5 of 13 Data that is based on peoples perception and opinions and is open to interpretation. Qualitative 6 of 13 Sites/people are chosen at regular intervals. Systematic Sampling 7 of 13 Every site/person has an equal chance of getting chosen. Random sampling 8 of 13 A large scale project that filters down through the less powerful players involved. Top down rebranding 9 of 13 The sites/people to be sampled are split into groups and a percentage sample is chosen proportional to the size of the group. Stratified sampling 10 of 13 Factual data. Objective data 11 of 13 Data based on opinion. Subjective Data 12 of 13 Improving a places image and peoples perception of it. Rebranding 13 of 13
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