This means the land is productive, i.e the land's soil is rich in nutrients, which makes it suitable for growing crops or good quality grass for grazing
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stands for - Transnational Corporations, which are businesses with operations in many countries.
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Cash Crops
Crops that a edible grown by a farmer and are sold for income.
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the "act" of sending goods and products out of a country. (the "e" shows "Exit"
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Human Development index - a measure of development based on a range of statistical indicators
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Natural Increase
Birth rate minus death rate. (BR - DR)
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GDP per capita
Stands for Gross Domestic Productivity as an average per person in a country, which is used as an indicator of development
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goods and products being bought into a country (the "i" shows "In")
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HIV positive
a person is infected by the virus
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Acquired immune deficiency syndrome cause by HIV.
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remote - distant from other places and lacking good communication links (i.e phone services, or simply roads for vehicles)
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Subsistence farmers?
Farmers who produce crops and products for their own consumption, for survival. (not cash crops)
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Farms using a limited area of land. (it holds small ;)
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Money used to bring about increased development
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A group of people sharing a living space, (usually a family)
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extended family
A group of relatives living together including aunts/ uncles, cousins and/ or grandparents, in addition to parents and their own children
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cycle of poverty
The set of factors or events by which people are left poor and are likely to remain poor unless there is outside intervention.
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low productivity
Goods and services produced in small quantities or at a slow rate
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artificial fertiliser
A man-made product, that is used to improve soil fertility. (packed with nitrogen ions, i.e ammonia)
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A product used to control pests.
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literacy rate
The number of people who are able to read and write
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gender inequalities
Discrimination against people of a particular gender based on their sex (e.g in Uganda more boys go to school, because the girls are seen to be the ones to look after the house)
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manual labour
Physical jobs that often need low level of education.
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domestic work
household chores such as cleaning and cooking
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Money paid to the bride's family by the groom's family
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maternal mortality rate
The proportion of women who die during or soon after childbirth or pregnancy
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Having an insufficient diet
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pit latrines
a toilet system using a hole in the ground
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the act of chopping down or clearance of trees
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The variety of species in an area
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Millennium Development Goals
Eight targets set out by the United Nations to reduce global poverty and deprivation
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environmental sustainability
Preserving the environment in order to support human life now and in the future
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What is meant by the word "sustainable"?
Able to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
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Solar power
The use of the sun's energy to heat water and/ or produce electricity
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What is hydroelectricity?!
the use of water to produce electricity, by powering a generator!
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
a high, but flat area of land
Card 3
This means the land is productive, i.e the land's soil is rich in nutrients, which makes it suitable for growing crops or good quality grass for grazing
Card 4
stands for - Transnational Corporations, which are businesses with operations in many countries.
Card 5
Crops that a edible grown by a farmer and are sold for income.
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