Geography 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyGCSEAll boards Created by: GemmaCreated on: 24-05-13 19:55 The erosion of a beach Longshore Drift 1 of 11 A landform caused by erosion Headland 2 of 11 The place where a tributary meets the river Confluence 3 of 11 The boundary of a drainage basin, usually high ground Watershed 4 of 11 The place where the river meets the sea Mouth 5 of 11 A smaller stream which meets a larger river Tributary 6 of 11 The type of erosion which is found in a Waterfall Hydraulic Action 7 of 11 A headland is made out of Hard Rock 8 of 11 A bay is made out of Soft Rock 9 of 11 A constructive wave Creates a beach 10 of 11 A destructive wave Destroys a beach 11 of 11
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