
  • Created by: Harry
  • Created on: 04-05-13 15:22
what is an open system?
Allows transfer of energy and mass in and out
1 of 42
What is a Closed system?
Allows transfer of energy only
2 of 42
What are the inputs of the Drainage Basin Hydrological Cycle?
Energy from the sun and Precipitation
3 of 42
What are the processes in the DBH?
Evaporation, Water Table, Precipitation, Interception, Surface Run-off, Inflitration, Throughflow, Channel Flow, Percolation, Groundwater Flow, Stem Flow, Drip, Base Flow
4 of 42
What Are the Stores in the DBH?
Interception, vegetation, Surface, Soil Water, Groundwater and channel storage.
5 of 42
What is river discharge?
The amount of water, from precipitation, that reaches the river channel
6 of 42
How do you measure river discharge?
Velocity (m/s) x Cross Sectional Area (m²)
7 of 42
What is disharge measured in?
Cubic Metres per Second (Cumecs)
8 of 42
What is the Water Balance?
Potential evaporation in relation to precipitation ( - P)
9 of 42
What effect does a Large Basin Have on river discharge?
The water is longer to the main channel
10 of 42
What effect does a Small Basin Have on river discharge?
The water is quicker to the main channel
11 of 42
What effect does a Circular Basin Have on river discharge?
Water reaches main channel quicker.
12 of 42
How do permeable rocks affect river discharge?
Allow water to flow through them so increase discharge
13 of 42
How do porous rocks affect river discharge?
Allow water to fill pores, so decrease river discharge
14 of 42
How do sandy Soils affect river discharge?
Increase the rates of Discharge
15 of 42
What is antecedent Moisture?
The amount of water already in the ground
16 of 42
What relates to High Drainage Density?
High peak discharge and a short lag time
17 of 42
What three variations of precipitation have an affect on discharge?
Amount, type and intensity
18 of 42
What land uses affect discharge?
Urbanisation and vegetation
19 of 42
What does a hydrograph show?
Dicharge in response to rainfall
20 of 42
What is lag time?
Time between peak discharge and precipitation
21 of 42
What are the 2 variations to a river regime?
Temporal and spatial
22 of 42
What is erosion?
The wearing away of material from a riverbed and river banks
23 of 42
What is hydraulic action?
The waters movement and its frictional impact
24 of 42
What is river capacity?
Total load a river can transport at a particular energy level
25 of 42
What is river competence?
The maximum size or weight a river can carry
26 of 42
What are the 4 types of transportation?
Traction, Saltation, Suspension & Solution
27 of 42
What is traction?
Sliding or rolling of large boulders
28 of 42
What does a Hjulstrom Graph show?
The critical velocity for sediment to be eroded, transported and deposited.
29 of 42
What are the river profiles?
Long, cross and graded profiles
30 of 42
Where do waterfalls occur?
Upper course
31 of 42
Where is Headward erosion most common?
Upper Course
32 of 42
Where do rapids occur?
Middle course
33 of 42
What has a low hydraulic radius?
Upper course
34 of 42
What has consistent kinetic energy, but low potential energy?
Lower Course
35 of 42
What is V-Shaped and rough?
Upper course
36 of 42
What has lower average velocity?
Middle Course
37 of 42
Where do large floodplains occur?
Lower course
38 of 42
Where do small meanders and small floodplains occur?
Middle Course
39 of 42
Velocity whats as you go downstream?
40 of 42
Friction whats as you go downstream?
41 of 42
Discharge increases, but so too does?
width & depth
42 of 42

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a Closed system?


Allows transfer of energy only

Card 3


What are the inputs of the Drainage Basin Hydrological Cycle?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the processes in the DBH?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What Are the Stores in the DBH?


Preview of the front of card 5
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