Geography 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? GeographyUnit 1 Global ChallengesASEdexcel Created by: melissa taylorCreated on: 30-03-14 14:55 Flooding case study Bangladesh 1998, 1300+ killed, 25 million homeless 1 of 19 Cyclone case study Haiyan Phillippines 2013, Tacloban 10,000 deaths 2 of 19 Drought case study Sahel Horn of Africa, 40% land suffers, 70% population exposed 3 of 19 Landslide case study 2005 Kashmir, 1/3 of deaths were caused by the slide after the earthquake 4 of 19 Volcano case study Mount Pinatubo Phillippines 1991, 600 deaths, 100,000 homeless, 50,000 HA land lost 5 of 19 Earthquake case study Sichuan China 2008, Magnitude of 7.5, 70,000 deaths, 80% houses collapsed 6 of 19 Key term: Asthenosphere The upper layer of the earth's mantle, below the lithosphere. 7 of 19 Key term: Lithosphere The rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle. 8 of 19 Key term: Climate change A distinct change in measures of climate lasting for a long period of time. 9 of 19 Long term evidence of climate change Ice cores, Carbon dioxide levels, Pollen analysis 10 of 19 Medium term evidence of climate change Tree rings, Historical records 11 of 19 Impact of climate change in the Arctic region: Natural systems Vegetation shifts, Thawing of Permafrost, Increasing fires and inscets, Carbon cycle changes 12 of 19 Impact of climate change in the Arctic region: Animal species Polar bears struggle to survive, Marine species, northward species shift 13 of 19 Impact of climate change in the Arctic region: Society Changes in the way of life: Hunting, Food security, Transport, Agriculture, Resource exploitation 14 of 19 Key term: Permafrost A thick subsurface layer of soil that remains below freezing point throughout the year, occurring chiefly in polar regions. 15 of 19 Key term: Indigenous people The local tribe of people living in the arctic region. 16 of 19 Key term: Eustatic change Change in sea level due to change in the amount of water in the oceans. 17 of 19 Key term: Isostatic change Movement of land in response to loss or gain of mass. 18 of 19 Rising sea levels case studies Bangladesh, Egypt, The netherlands, Maldives, Pacific islands (eg. Kiribati) 19 of 19
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