Protect local areas, but cause narrow beached for form further down the coast, increasing the erosion down the coast, eg. Cowden Farm (South of Mappleton) is at risk of falling into the sea
10 of 12
What is wrong with the rate of coastal retreat along the Lincolnshire coast?
It is increased as new material is being added
11 of 12
Why is Spurn Head at risk of being eroded away?
Less material is being added to it
12 of 12
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is at Risk of Collapsing into the Sea at Easington, and why is this important?
The gas terminal, accounts for 25%/ a quarter of Britain's gas supply.
Card 3
How much Farmland is lost each year due to the coastal erosion at Holderness?
Card 4
How many pitches a year are Seaside Caravan Park losing due to coastal erosion?
Card 5
How has Bridlington been protected from Coastal Erosion?
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