Water is confined in rock joints and expands when it freezes, this then causes the rock to break into smaller particles
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What is plucking?
Rocks that have been frozen to the base or the sides of the glacier are plucked as the glacier moves. This leaves behind a jagged landscape
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What is abrasion?
Rocks are rubbed against the sides and base of the glacier. This causes the wearing away of the landscape as the glacier behaves like sandpaper
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What are the inputs of a glacial system? (6)
Potential energy, Thermal energy, Kinetic energy, Rockfall, Avalanches and Snow
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What are the throughputs of a glacier? (6)
Abrasion, Plucking and freeze- thaw (processes). Glacial ice (stores). Debris and Kinetic energy (transfers- flows)
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What are the outputs of a glacier? (8)
Meltwater, evaporation, calving, icebergs, glacial drift, sublimation, debris and thermal energy
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What is a closed system?
These have transfers of energy into and beyond the system boundary, but not matter
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What is an open system?
Where matter and energy can be transferred across the boundary into the surrounding environment
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What is dynamic equilibrium?
A state of balance between continually changing processes
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What is negative feedback?
It acts to minimise or dampen the effect on change. It doesn't go around in a loop instead it starts and ends.
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What is positive feedback?
It acts to reinforce or amplify the effect on change. It does around in a cycle/ loop.
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What are the 4 physical factors that can affect glaciated landscape systems?
Climate, Latitude and longitude, Relief and slope aspect and Geology
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How would temperature affect the mass balance?
High temperatures means more ablation, meaning that the glacier could retreat A variation in temperatures throughout the year or day and night could lead to more freeze- thaw weathering
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How would precipitation affect the mass balance?
High precipitation could mean more accumulation, because the rain can freeze into ice and add to the glacial mass balance
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is plucking?
Rocks that have been frozen to the base or the sides of the glacier are plucked as the glacier moves. This leaves behind a jagged landscape
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