Geography KeyWords 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyGlacial landscapes and processesGCSEAQA Created by: SaffronAlainaCreated on: 16-10-16 01:34 A modle of urban structure for towns in MEDCs Burgess Model 1 of 13 Central Business district. The area of the centre of a town or city where you find the main shos or offices CBD 2 of 13 Where people move from cities in the countryside, often for entirement Counter Urbinisation 3 of 13 Goods that are expensive and not bought very often Comparison goods 4 of 13 Cheap goods that are bought often Convenience goods 5 of 13 When an area is regenerated to attrackt young professionals Gentrification 6 of 13 An area of open land around a city which is protected from development. this is to stop the cities from spreading further Green belt 7 of 13 The urban zone of an MEDC located outside of the CBD Inner city 8 of 13 Less echonomically developed countries (poor) LEDC 9 of 13 More echonomically developed countries (rich) MEDC 10 of 13 Countryside Rural 11 of 13 The area in which the city meets the countryside Rural-Urban fringe 12 of 13 Areas of poor housinglacking facilities which develop in unfaverourablen sites, outside the CBD in LEDCs Shanty town 13 of 13
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