Geography - Globalisation - Flashcards 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyGlobalisationGCSEAll boards Created by: tjgrimshaw22Created on: 14-06-16 19:06 Name the four different employment sectors? Primary, secondary, tertiary and quarternary. 1 of 11 Name three jobs in the Primary sector? Agriculture, fishing and forestry. 2 of 11 Name three jobs in the Secondary sector? Manufacturing cars or constructing houses and roads. 3 of 11 Name the five services included in the Tertiary sector? Entertainment, personal, proffessional, commercial and social. 4 of 11 Name two types of jobs in the Quarternary sector? Information and communication. 5 of 11 What does the clark fisher model show about countries in the pre-industrial stage? Most people work in the primary job sector. 6 of 11 What does the clark fisher model show about countries in the industrial stage? Primary sector decreases while the tertiary and secondary sectors increase. 7 of 11 What does the clark fisher model show about countries in the post-industrial stage? The tertiary sector becomes the largest, while primary and secondary sectors begin to decline. The quarternary sector begins to grow. 8 of 11 What is the WTO's job? It encourages trade between courages and ensures the trade runs smoothly. 9 of 11 What is the IMF's job? 188 countries that encourage employment to decrease poverty. 10 of 11 What is the World Bank's job? It provides financial and technical support to underdeveloped countries. 11 of 11
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