No electricity + fresh water, 11 people dead, 17000 homes were destroyed and 226000 damaged, more than 55,000 were evacuated due to storm surge.
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Economic Impacts on Cuba
Losses came to £50 million in Santiago de Cuba. Roads to airports blocked thus tourists couldn't go in or out - loss of revenue. Total losses were $2 billion and 5% drop in GDP.
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Environmental Impacts on Cuba
Around 2,600 ha banana crops destroyed, trees were uprooted and stripped of leaves in Santiago de Cuba, coffee plantations were swept away and areas close to coast were flooded and beaches swept away causing a loss of wildlife.
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Social Impacts of Hurricane Sandy on USA
117 people were killed, 9 million homes had power cuts, 650000 homes were damaged or destroyed, 250500 cars were destroyed by flood water, the streets were flooded and the subway in New York.
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Economic Impacts on USA
Insurance claims totalled to $3,3 billion, $1.1 billion was spent repairing the damage and water pipes in New Jersey and New York. The damage of New York cost $19 billion.
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Environmental Impacts on USA
Storm surge caused sea water to affect habitats and thus wildlife in Delaware Bay + Long Island Sound; 1.5 billion litres of sewage went into Raritan River, 90% of New York and New Jersey beaches were damaged.
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Card 2
Economic Impacts on Cuba
Losses came to £50 million in Santiago de Cuba. Roads to airports blocked thus tourists couldn't go in or out - loss of revenue. Total losses were $2 billion and 5% drop in GDP.
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