Give one example of how uneven development is caused by physical factors?
Weather and climate- Extreme conditions like heavy rainfall and extreme temperature can make development hard. For example in cold environments it is hard to build good infrastructure due to the permafrost melting.
2 of 6
Give one example of how uneven development is caused by economic factors?
Poverty- a lack of money means that development cannot happen well due to a lack of education, infrastructure and sanitation due to no money to improve these things
3 of 6
Give one example of how uneven development is caused by historical factors?
Countries which were colonised previously were exploited of their materials and people (slavery) meaning trade is worse so there economic development was slower.
4 of 6
What is DTM?
Demographic transition model- it looks at the structure change
5 of 6
Give an example of a development measure?
- birth rate
-Infant mortality
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Weather and climate- Extreme conditions like heavy rainfall and extreme temperature can make development hard. For example in cold environments it is hard to build good infrastructure due to the permafrost melting.
Give one example of how uneven development is caused by physical factors?
Card 3
Poverty- a lack of money means that development cannot happen well due to a lack of education, infrastructure and sanitation due to no money to improve these things
Card 4
Countries which were colonised previously were exploited of their materials and people (slavery) meaning trade is worse so there economic development was slower.
Card 5
Demographic transition model- it looks at the structure change
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