geography 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyDevelopmentGCSEEdexcel Created by: HattiRichardsCreated on: 13-11-16 16:52 make more films than anywhere in the country bollywood 1 of 16 doesn't keep up with development infrastructure 2 of 16 take mud clay from the ganges and make bowls and pots potters 3 of 16 light, noise, water, air, pollution 4 of 16 water ......... and sanitation supply 5 of 16 indias population distribution uneven 6 of 16 the growth and development of a country industrialisation 7 of 16 towns and cities urban 8 of 16 countryside rural 9 of 16 mountain range at the north of india himalayas 10 of 16 runs along the entire west coast of india weston ghats 11 of 16 formed 10 million years ago Bay of Bengal 12 of 16 starts of as a river Sand dam 13 of 16 this country has a lot of old dependants (old people) united kingdom 14 of 16 low birth rate japan 15 of 16 higher death rate than birth rate india 16 of 16
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