Geography 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyCoastal zonesGCSEEdexcel Created by: aoojCreated on: 30-11-15 18:33 What is weathering? The disintergration or decomposition of rock, often caused by the weather but not always 1 of 5 Name 3 types of weathering - Biological Weathering - Chemical Weathering - Physical Weathering 2 of 5 Define Biological Weathering Involves the actions of flora and fauna. Plant roots are effective at growing and expanding in cracks in the rocks. 3 of 5 Define Physical Weathering Also known as mechanica weathering. Involves the disintergration of rocks without any chemical changes taking place. 4 of 5 Define Chemical Weathering A Chemcal change occurs when weatherng takes place. Rain water (slightly acidic) can sl 5 of 5
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